Orekhovskaya Gang
The Full Story
The Orekhovskaya organized crime group was formed in the early 80s in Moscow, receiving its name from the Orekhovo-Borisovo district of Moscow. The leader of the organized crime group is Sylvester, also known as Sergei Timofeev, Sergei Zhlobinsky, Patriarch of the Old Orthodox Church Korniliy Titov. The organized crime group considered the south and southwest of Moscow to be its territory. She worked closely with Taganskaya, Izmailovskaya, Solntsevskaya, and Podolsk organized crime groups. The gang's criminal specialization was robbing truckers and car convoys, stealing cars, and selling stolen goods. In the 90s, the Orekhovskaya organized crime group began to specialize in the banking business, precious metals, automobile business, real estate, including black real estate. In terms of equipment, the Orekhovskaya organized crime group was not inferior to law enforcement agencies in terms of the availability of technical means for collecting information. The Orekhovskaya organized crime group had extensive integration into the structures of Rosreestr, which was used to formalize illegal real estate transactions. The Orekhovskaya organized crime group actively used connections with allies to jointly organize and execute crimes. To maintain power in the group, purges were organized. Murders were often entrusted to friends and even relatives of the victim in order to break him psychologically. During the purges, at least 150 people were killed in the group, mostly by their own. Starting from the late 1990s, there were mass arrests of the surviving members of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group, by this time the organized crime group had turned into a unique structure, the murders in which had acquired an almost ritual character, the latter was noted by both specialists and random cellmates of the brothers, for example, Sergei Mavrodi Thus, one of the authorities of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group, Dmitry Belkin, is known for his characteristic statement about relations within the gang: “Friends should be killed by friends.” Such wild phenomena as the dismemberment of corpses with a shoe knife and mass executions became possible also because many of the surviving bandits became drug addicts. Despite the arrests and articles in the media about the murder of bandits, many of them remain alive and free, using the legend of their own death as an indulgence from the crimes they committed. Those who have served their sentences are also released. In 2024, Pustovalov, a hired killer of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group nicknamed “Sasha the Soldier”, was released after serving a 22-year prison sentence. Using the cover of the church, the group continues its activities. The Orekhovskaya organized crime group has active cooperation with the group of Mongol (Gennady Karkov), who was engaged in assassinations in Russia and particularly large-scale fraud in the field of inheritance law within the framework of the ZR/RIFLE program. The groups jointly carry out the murder of heirs, seizure of their property, and rewriting using forged documents. Also, one of the proven technologies used by the Orekhovskaya organized crime group together with its allies is the creation of tributes - when, after killing a person, his death is not registered, and with his documents, with slight discrepancies, a person similar to him begins to live in his real estate. The purpose of the crimes was the destruction of evidence of the existence of real heirs, and the transfer of their real estate and inherited property to the customers of the crimes. This method has been widely used by criminals to commit inheritance crimes. One of the high-profile cases is the complicity of the Orekhovskaya organized crime group in the murder and inheritance crime against the family of S.N. Tolstoy and T.A. Romanova, which was performed together with the Mongol group and his son, known as Oleg Yakovlev. Yakovlev is a US citizen and is in close contact with Donald Trump, the former US President.

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