As part of the series series "Who framed the Black Rabbit?" we introduce the new premiere of the season - the action-packed blockbuster "Battle on the Krupskaya Bulge". The film is shot is the dick in the ass in the style of the grotesque.
The grotesque is the choice for a thinking person, because the bogart can only be defeated by laughter.
Follow this series on the hashtag #battleonthekrupskayabulge.
The plot.
Since 1992, many respected people have appeared in Russia who call themselves the great-grandchildren of Prince Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, Prince Nikolai Vasilyevich Repnin, Prince Alexander Iraklievich Bagration, as well as the poet Pushkin, the writer Dostoevsky, the Emperors Nicholas I, the nieces of Tsar Nicholas II, Count of Nuremberg Albrecht Medved , at worst, the anarchist Prince Kropotkin, the Decembrist Prince Volkonsky, and even Rurik himself. Rurik, Leo Tolstoy, and "Tsar Martyr Nicholas I Romanov" according to their "great-grandchildren" are biological phenomena that can have different Y-DNA simultaneously. "Great-grandchildren" are not embarrassed either by the complete absence of external resemblance to any of their ancestors, or by the contradiction of their real genetic profiles - Y-DNA and haplotypes. The “great-grandchildren” are also not embarrassed by the presence of genetic pathologies that none of their declared ancestors suffered from, namely: vitiligo, oligophrenia, frontal dementia, obesity, diseased yellow and rotten teeth, microcephaly, Williams syndrome, Clifstra syndrome, and other interesting rare chromosomal disorders. Of course, these personalities have nothing in common from the point of view of behavioral genetics with those unfortunate "ancestors" with whom these persons involved declared themselves to be related. This walking reference book of biological phenomena includes the following remarkable characters:
1. "Rurikovichi" of the Russian noble assembly
2. Pyotr Olegovich Tolstoy and his daughter
3. Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy
4. Thekla and Martha Tolstoy
5. Svetlana Mikhailovna Shur
6. Mikhail Pavlovich Hohenzollern
7. "Tsesarevich" Georgy Mikhailovich
8. Maria Vladimirovna Romanova
9. Natalia Nikolaevna Evtushenkova
10. Petr Olegovich Aven
11. Alexey Mordashov
12. Yuri Dud
13. Irina Khakamada
14. Vladimir Petrovich Evtushenkov
15. and other remarkable personalities who, on behalf of the highest society of the noble assembly, granted the title of Prince to such a citizen as Mikhasevich Gennady Modestovich (just in case - before this recognition, he was granted another one - an award of the world rating of serial killers by the number of victims).
In addition to these respectful people, we found a fairly large number of people like them in other states: John Bogle (who turned out to be Hermann Goering and the brother of our beneficiary), Nancy Pelosi, Madeleine Albright, Ursula von der Leyen, Vladimir Zelensky, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky, Stephen Schwartzman, Albert Goering, Larry Flink, Iosif Davydovich Kobzon, Semyon Mogilevich, Pablo Escobar, Sergei Zhlobinsky, Nursultan Nazarbayev, US President Roosevelt, Prince Charles, Pope Francis, Karl Franz of Prussia, and other amazing personalities. For the sake of intrigue, we will not disclose now all the details of who is hiding under the masks from the muzzle tailoring studio, and we will do this as part of our blockbuster. Subscribe, it will be damn interesting in the direct sense. You are just freaking out, dear friends.
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