All information about a person and his ancestors is contained in DNA. Appearance, diseases, and behavior of a human species is a combination of all its genes. Therefore, all members of the same family, born from each other, are similar to each other. For the sake of definition, we consider a family in a vacuum - a married couple of healthy man and woman who conceive a child during normal sexual intercourse performed with each other. All deviations from this family are pathological, and we will not consider them here as the general foundations of genetics. Two lesbians can give birth in marriage to each other even an alligator from a surrogate mother, but it does not make sense to consider all variants of genetic pathologies of human biology and behavior as a normal basis.
A child inherits 1/2 of the father's genes and 1/2 of the mother's genes. Obviously, if a child has external signs, hereditary diseases, or behavioral characteristics that neither the father, nor the mother, nor their immediate ancestors had, then this child was born by other parents. In addition to adultery, there are such common crimes as child substitution. And also there is the stupidity and negligence of the medical staff. If we add here the stress of a mother who has just given birth, and the very real absence of clear signs of individualization in newborns within the same ethnic group, all together can easily lead to the fact that parents will raise someone else's schizophrenic child all their lives, while their own is normal and will live in a someone else's family of schizoid parents.
Therefore, do not hesitate to ask immediately about the relationship, if even a shadow of concerns appeared. There are so many cases of replaced and stolen children that you should not attribute to your suspiciousness the facts that your child does not look like you at all, and you know that there was no adultery.
The same applies to children who will never understand who they were born into. Do you look like not your parents or their ancestors? It just means it's most likely not your family.
The process of gene inheritance in general is a fairly predictable thing. The question of mutations and factors accelerating them we do not consider here.
But in short, two Caucasians, a man and a woman, cannot have a Negroid, as well as a hamster. And even within one race - there is a division into ethnic groups. Two Kazakhs cannot have a Japanese child.
The simplest consequence of this is that if, after their death, two dead quite healthy nobles suddenly hatched a sexually mature chick of retirement age, which is completely different from their parents, clearly suffers from genetic pathologies that are not observed in the family of their parents, and behaves inconsistently with the customs of the family, this chick is not from this nest.
Many ordinary people and Schmexperts are under the delusion that DNA examination is obligatory, since only DNA examination can answer the question about the degree of kinship of people, or that only its results are sufficient. The DNA test itself establishes belonging to a particular ethnic group and its subclade. It cannot guarantee in any way that two individuals from a particular subclade are or are not relatives.
Of course no. It makes no sense for two Europeans who have a Chinese baby to do a DNA test, since it is obvious that their neighbor is Chinese, otherwise the genuine baby has been stolen. No need to do the DNA test if the ethnogroup and race are obvious. In addition, the genetic examination itself only provides an answer about the possibility and probability of the fact that this particular child was born from these particular parents. Why would you do a paternity examination of your black son if you have a Caucasian husband? No genetic examination gives you the answer that these parents are the father and mother of this child. It will only answer the question of whether two specific people can hypothetically be the father and mother of a specific child. And in itself, such an examination is not sufficient to establish kinship in decoupling from molecular and behavioral genetics, features of the biology of human behavior, and genetic genealogy. Only by comparing all these things can any conclusions be drawn.
Recently, the internet has been full of Schmexperts in genetics, who make diagnoses of genetic relationship, of course, primarily with the royal and noble dynasties, based on tests of buccal tissue. That is - someone in the village of Gadyukino scratched his cheek with a brush, some kind of "academy of DNA genealogy" or an Internet site made him an analysis of the haplogroup and decomposed the haplotype by alleles, and now yesterday's beggar from the village of Gadyukino is now Prince Volkonsky, where he was recorded by internet Schmexperts. And it's good if he's just a scammer, not a serial killer. And these same Schmexperts, comparing disparate haplotypes analyzed in different laboratories by different methods and by different specialists for different sets of alleles, come to the conclusion that Rurik did not exist, because there are too many "mutations" - differences in haplotypes in his "descendants." Moreover, apparently even the Y-chromosome mutates. Schmexperts do not talk about the fact that people who have never been related to the Rurikids have passed the tests. A "noble assembly" has already appeared in Russia, which determines the presence of a title by origin and kinship with royal dynasties by rubbing the buccal tissue with a brush.
The law establishes one form of genetic examination - a blood test, which is given simultaneously in the same criminalistics laboratory by the intended parents or relatives and the child.
Buccal tissue tests made in different laboratories are not subject to analysis and comparison for far-reaching conclusions, strictly speaking. But they also cannot be ignored, since this, of course, is an evidence base for various facts, but in itself is absolutely insufficient for conclusions about the presence of kinship. This is the starting point from which a rather long route of proof of origin must be traveled. As for tests and investigations in cases of disputed origin, tests are only done by certified criminalistics laboratories, and investigations of doubtful origin is the subject exclusively for well qualified criminalists.
For comparison, not only a blood test is taken, investigators study a pedigree, genetically determined pathologies, anthropological characteristics, behavioral features, appearance, occupation, the remains of persons with whom it is required to establish kinship are exhumed. As for the stunning conclusions of sofa Internet Schmexperts, print them out on paper and use them for their intended purpose.
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