"The first category includes, first of all, those numerous artificial devices of pretense, which the wanted criminal resorts to in order to change his appearance in comparison with what is indicated in the search order. It is characteristic that the novice criminal will first commit the crime and then make himself unrecognizable, while the experienced criminal will do the opposite."
Gross G., A guide for criminalistics investigators as a forensic system.
Shitomordniki (combination of Russian words "to sew" and "face") - are the criminals who changed their appearance by using various types of aggressive body and face modifications to escape justice, and avoid conviction of a felony, prosecution, imprisonment, or, death penalty.
The modification by using plastic surgery itself does not pursue the aesthetic purposes. It focuses on changes of antropology paramethers which are unchangeable during the whole life except cases of trauma or other mechanic effects, and distinctive traits of criminal's appearance.
One of the most reliable method to discover the criminal who is hiding by changing his appearance is to compare the antropological paramethers of his face and body, and such parts of the head which is difficult or impossible to remade.
Such modifications to change the appearance of criminal are executed by very specific "doctors." The face after surgery looks awful, because the main objective is to change antropology and distinctive features. The face is creating from several pieces of own skin taking from the body of criminal, and look like a patchwork mask.
However, some distinctive traits cannot be amended.
Criminal anthropology is an interdisciplinary discipline of a forensic nature that studies the features of the genetic, physiological and anatomical structure of the criminal, and its relationship with the crimes committed.
The groundbase of criminal antropology is the principle that the face, skull, and body of a healthy person with no genetic deceases have perfect proportions that persist throughout life, and that almost all criminals have similar genetic deceases which led to the visible disproportions of face and body appearance.
Any deviations from perfect proportions are the result of either trauma or genetically determined diseases. Several specific disproportions we observed almost always only in criminals. All these disproportions are the result of the similar genetic illnesses. For example, the pathology of Satyr's ear.
When inheriting features of appearance, the face and appearance of a person should, when compared, be similar in total to the face and appearance of each of his measurements. We note that serial criminals have similar appearance and genetic deceases profiles, deriving from their ancestors with dominant genes. What do the serial criminals do next? Right! They transfer their dominant recessive genes of serial murderers to their kids.
Our genes do much more than just transferring the features of our exterior.
The human phenotype is a mixed collective phenotype from all ancestors. First of all, the features of the closest ancestors, and all ancestors with dominant genes that are not sex-linked, will be clearly visible in it. But the behavior is also predefined by our genes. Criminals and geniuses do not become, they are born. Human behavior and its activities are predetermined genetically. Each person will lead the way of life and engage in the activities that all his ancestors in the aggregate were engaged in. A person born a criminal is in a state of equilibrium until the onset of an external influence, which will trigger the launch of the process of genetically determined criminal behavior.
Genetically healthy people do not have genetically ill children. Any external deformities and disproportions or shortcomings in appearance, low intelligence, dementia, as well as any deviant behavior, are the result of genetically determined pathologies. But not the norm, and not a variant of the norm.
To hide the genuine personality and escape justice, shitomordniki also change their names and personal details, profession, to associate themselves with the trustful respectful people. The method of werewolves is the most often used by the serial killers who commit their crimes in the police or medical uniform. Many of them named themselves as descendants of
died nobles, or members of royal families.
To discover the werewolves, we use several criminalistics technics based on the essential basics of criminology, human behavioral biology, molecular and behavioral genetics, genealogy, and history. Thus, before diving into the depth of the story, we address you a simplified form of the academic foundation of our discovery. Follow our next publications.
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