Look who's talking!
Somebody must do this.
The Whole Story
How do Bogles born?
How to live while being documented as dead? In the 20th century, almost every member of my family went through it. My great-grandfather Hermann Göring provided the best answer to this question. Being dead according to his documents, he moved to the USA, and adopted the surname Bogle, the icon of his life status.

My parents are Sergey Nikolaevich Tolstoy and Tatijana Alexeyevna Romanova, who married in Russia in March 1974. On May 1st, 1975, I was born. Acute poisoning caused me to fall into a clinic death, followed by neonatal coma just after birth. Coma is one of the main consequences of acute poisoning with toxic substances, in particular phosphorganic poisons like cyclozarine. The dose that an adult could survive became almost lethal for me, for the same reason my height is not tall. To give me a chance to live a normal life without being stigmatized for the years missing in coma, and to hide my genuine origin, my family organized to issue a fake birth certificate dated March 1st, 1978. I was able to go to the children's garden, school, and university without having to explain why I came at a later time than most people do. Of course, the age difference between me and the other kids was obvious. To hide my birth date, a record of my death was made on my birth date simultaneously, on May 1, 1975. Moreover, I was registered as a boy at birth, Andrey Tolstoy. The chance to identify my entire family and origin was given to criminals by this false birth certificate. The people who processed it were also responsible for serving those who hunted our family. That's how they found us. After this, all members of my family were ritually murdered. But I survived.
The Quantum Family
My great-grandfather was not the only one sentenced to death. Everyone of our family members since the 19th century has been brutally murdered as a result of ritual killing. For decades, Hermann Göring has been demonized as the main enemy of humanity. He was not alone. We were also members of the most powerful and respectful royal dynasties. It's too painful to write all the heart-breaking details here because every one of our kin was killed in such a cruel and bloody way. We would not survive even a day with our true names. Why Russia? It is my great-grandfather's second native country because of the dynastic marriages. We wouldn't be on anyone's radar here. Everyone of us was like a quibit, having two statuses at the same time: being dead according to the official records, but being alive with the names of our family's friends.
Murder of Mom
After my acute poisoning caused my coma, which almost ended my life, my parents decided to leave Samara as far as possible. They thought of a place where they would not be looked for, and where it would be possible to exist in relative safety without fear of being recognized. My father was given reassignment to work in the Far East for this reason. Beginning in December 1981, my father had to move to Ola village in the Magadan region and work as a doctor at a hospital. He was the first to leave, but my mother and I stayed in Samara. The death of my mother occurred immediately after my father's departure on December 29th, 1981. Since my mother's parents did not live in Russia and did not have fast and direct connections, only my father could actually identify my mother. The murder of her and the fact of her death were not registered. In the absence of my father, a woman who resembled my mother took up residence in our apartment. Due to the incomplete and inaccurate similarity, the fake stepmother traveled with me to Magadan almost a year after my father's departure. The flight to Magadan was unexpectedly landed in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for a one-day stay. During this stop, the unsuccessful tribute to my mother at the airport was replaced with a more similar one. Any other differences in appearance, behavior, and habits were explained by the fact that the father was not used to long separations. This is what the bet was made on.

Ritual Regicide
It is possible to ask: 'What's the point of putting up with so many difficulties to execute a murder?' This wasn't just a murder, as my great-grandfather was the richest man in the world, and my family was not a simple one. The criminals, native Indians - you probably know what British India was - intended to commit ritual killings by using the definite murder method and misappropriate all our property, including royal ruling rights. Indians believe that the country's independence can be achieved by murdering the monarch and all his family. In France and Russia, the same criminal group had previously ritually killed other members of our family. You can study this by reading about the French Revolution, the revolutions of 1905 and 1917 in Russia, the Red Terror, Big Terror, and so on. Nevertheless, to commit any of these murders, many assumptions had to be met, in particular, the killing sequence. The capturing of the property had to be performed as a ceremonial murder, as the last part of the ritual after the destruction of the royal dynast. Moreover, the monarchs themselves had to die in a certain order, in definite premises, and be murdered in a very specific way. It is like chess - the figures possess specific attributes and directions to move. The creation of a tribute was necessary to misappropriate our power, which you can easily observe now in the UK or Netherlands. The ritual involves creating a tribute that acts as a replica of the actual monarch. The reason for this is that ruling rights can only be executed in person. The culprits cannot re-register them as property.
envy, greed, lust
Everybody wants to have everything doing nothing.
Murder of Dad
After living for several months with my father in the Far East, my fake stepmother sent me back to Samara, where Tolstoy's grandfather's family lived. According to her, it would be better off there as she "does not have time to care for me." In fact, it was necessary to keep her alone with my dad to murder him and replace him by a tribute. As a result, in 1984 I was sent back to Samara to live with my grandparents, Nikolay Mikhailovich Tolstoy and Irina Romanovna Bagration. Our place of residence was apartment number 13 on Maslennikova Avenue, house 16, which was once a historical landmark, turned into a gas chamber for me and my dogs 30 years later. When I was staying in Samara and studying at school, my father was murdered on August 4th, 1986. Immediately after his death, the stepmother called me back to the Far East, justifying this as 'to take care of the daughter'. Similarly, as in the case of my mom, the death of my dad was not registered. His documents indicated that he was still alive. Instead of my dad, another fraudster joined my fake stepmother as her legal husband, and my legal father. Thus, after the death of my parents, two fraudsters illegally adopted me, using the false personification of my parents. No matter what, they were not the same as my parents externally. My mother had no one in Russia who could recognize her, and my dad did not reconnect with his parents for years. Imagine you are dealing with a very rare form of ritual murder, when criminals hunt for enormous wealth and personal rights. Until you know that such crimes and actions are probable, you would never have even a shadow of a thought that this is possible. For years, there were no suspensions for any differences between my true parents and the fraudsters. The criminals destroyed photos, handwritten documents, and remains to prevent DNA experts from analyzing them. It was the crucial step they took. The fake stepdad, who did not have a close resemblence to my dad, grew a mustache and beard to hide the obvious differences in personality, but to have general appearance close to Leo Tolstoy. Immediately after the murder of my real parents, the fake parents began the process of immigrating with me to Africa through Riga. The escape was considered to avoid close contact with the parents of my dad, who were still alive at that time. As I noted above, my great-grandparents from my mother line, Hermann Göring and Romanovs, were unable to contact our family directly for an obvious reason.

Murder of Grandparents
My stepmother's demand to return to the Far East was not motivated by her concern for my well-being. The apartment that belonged to my grandfather Tolstoy and grandmother Bagration was situated on the top floor of the house. My grandfather was the head of the supply department of the Volga Military District (PRIVO). Above the apartment was an attic. The Ministry of Defense had recorded the house as part of their balance sheet. The Ministry of Defense has the legal authority to use the attic at its discretion. The house was located on the territory of a military camp in Samara, and the officers of the PRIVO lived there. Though, in the attic, any items, including weapons, could be kept without notice to those who lived in the house. In 2024, it was discovered that the attic space above the apartment was contaminated with a mixture of chemical weapons prohibited for production, circulation, and use by international conventions of the Russian Federation. The mixture was extremely toxic when in direct contact with dry matter or kept at a minimum distance. The toxicity of this dry substance in the form of an aerosol increased dramatically as soon as it was wetted, causing it to become fatally poisonous. To result in death, one had to spend a specific amount of time in the room where the substance's evaporations were present. One of my dogs died from poisoning with these substances in this apartment in 2024. The second dog was admitted to intensive care with a diagnosis of acute poisoning with phosgene, organophosphorus toxic substances, and mustard gas. The same poisoning was diagnosed in me. It became apparent that my dog died and the other one became sick because of chemical warfare, and the cause of my poisoning was the same. The matching of these three chemical poisonings allowed us to identify that my grandfather Tolstoy died in this flat in 1988 as a result of the same poisoning, as well as my grandmother Bagration. Thus, it turned out that both my grandmother and grandfather died not from acute pneumonia or acute heart attack, but from acute poisoning with a mixture of toxic substances, including phosgene, VX, ricin, mustard gas, Lewisite, BZ, and Zyklone B. My clinic death and toxic neonatal coma after birth were caused by the same combination of toxic substances in the same flat.
Not monarchs.
Yourself is the right person to blame for your problems.

For years, the totally mad religious fanatics meticulously and methodically killed not only the population of the entire continent to clear the space for their life. They thought India's 1.4 billion people were too small to be considered as a Queen-country of the world, so they destroyed the families of royal dynasties whose rights and property they wanted to acquire. Outsourcers were chosen to commit crimes to fulfill the objectives of religious murders. The mercenaries were hired, trained, and controlled as part of US CIA special programs such as ZR/RIFLE and MKULTRA. Another hub for preparing criminal soldiers were terrorist training camps located on the territory of former British India. Hermann Göring's rights to control the UK and British colonies, including the US, British India, and the Vanguard group, were the main assets in the inheritance mass, which caused the heavy fight to start. All US sovereign and corporate debts, and other assets were consolidated by the Vanguard group. The Vanguard's capital was formed through the accumulation of family capital since 1911, and business activity of my great-granddad. The main beneficiary, owner, and founder of the Vanguard was my great-grandfather, Hermann Göring, who took the name John Bogle after escaping from Nurnberg prison. As obvious, not only Vanguard's business was a target of the criminals. Following the title inheritance rule, I was a senior heir, first in the row to be empowered with ruling rights. The criminals were in need to seize the ruling rights of my great-granddad with regards to the UK, Germany, but primarily those concerning the USA and British India, announcing its independence after the officially claiming the murder of the legitimate monarch Hermann Göring. The price that the world paid for the achievement of the terrorists' targets was more than just the millions of brutally murdered people.

I promise that you will never hear the Queen's songs like before after reading this chapter. During the investigation, I was asked many times: "What the hell are mustard gas and Zyklone B doing in your flat?" Well, due to legal restrictions, I will not describe exactly the crime to tempt other criminals. I am not going to train the idiots to repeat this horror movie that Bollywood showed to my family for centuries. It is sufficient for law enforcement officers to be aware of what was happening. To put it briefly, what transpired to me, my parents, their parents, and our other common biological relatives was that we were all victims of a same series of ritual crimes committed in the death camps during WWII. In order to commit the ritual crime, the criminals, who were seeking immortality and wealth, had to kill all of us by suffocation or poisoning, and then illegally take possession of my family's inheritance. Also, the appropriate way of ritual murder was decapitation (just remember the French Revolution massacre), dismemberment (massacre in Pyatigorsk, genocide against Armenians), and burning alive or burning corpses (mass killing in death camps of WWII, Red Terror, genocide of Armenians, and many more). All these rituals were dedicated to serving the gods of Hinduism. For instance, burning in any form was dedicated to serving Agni, the god of fire. Blending ash made from human corpses with cow dung was a ritual dedicated to making Shiva god happy. Poisoning, suffocation, and bloodless murder in the back of the head were intended to bring joy to Kali, the goddess, the expression of Shakti, the wife of Shiva. The Erntfest in Majdanek death camp was committed to celebrating two dates at once: Chhath and Divali. Creating a ritual of dry drowning was meant to symbolise drowning in the Ganges, the holy river of Indians, where people come to meet their deaths. The barbaric methods of depersonalization that were used during the 2nd World War as part of the resettlement and death camps operations were nothing more than forced achievement by a person of the state of detachment from their own personality, samadhi. According to Hindus, this is the ultimate level of self-improvement. Thus, all these dozens of millions of corpses that were ultimately perfect for Hinduism were necessary to bring joy to the Indian Gods, and to obtain immortality in return, making the karma lighter and cleaner.
Hermann Göring
BOOST's website has a detailed description of my great-grandfather's story, because it is responsible for managing all my transferable inheritance rights on its balance sheet. Thus, I intend to concentrate solely on the crucial aspects. The naming rules for hereditary monarchs differ from those for passport purposes. Surnames are not given to monarchs. Royal dynasts have composite names that include titles, geographical affiliation to a particular country, and the name of the main dynasty. While monarchies don't have surnames, secular law mandates that every citizen of the state has a first name, last name, and sometimes a patronymic. The name of the monarch is not fixed, but changes occur throughout his life. It is altered depending on the adoption of a specific religion, marriage, change of citizenship, change of country of residence, and other significant life events. The monarch's nickname, or throne name, is a short word that is often associated with his personality traits, while the full name of the monarch is quite lengthy. Ingvar Wide Embraces, Ingvar Donskoy, Konrad the Fair are examples of this. This nickname is shared by almost every monarch. There are also rulers who are known in history simply by their name, for example, Queen Victoria. In addition to these names, the monarch has a passport that requires the name to be written in accordance with the law of the state where it was issued. The official name of Alexandra Feodorovna, Nicholas I's wife, was Friederike Louise Charlotte Wilhelmina of Prussia, which was an entirely different. Name rules and passport processing are subject to many restrictions in most countries. In this regard, the monarch's passport name is not the same as his full real name and short name. The heir of a monarchical dynasty, who has achieved a certain level, experiences multiple stages of changing names throughout his life. A dynastic monarch's name change always coincides with a change in their life or family status. Changing the name to one that reflects the new status of the monarch is a common practice in monarchical dynasties. Both the name and surname of my great-grandfather were kennings.

John Bogle
After the illegal prosecution, my great-granddad imitated his death, and escaped to the US. In the US, he continued his work as a family financier started by him in early 20th century, as a Wellington Fund. During his life in the US, he did not contact to the members of his family. Instead, he spent his life on the revenge, to take back his ruling rights, doing that without murders. He achieved his targets through the financial instruments, by consolidating of the companies and funds which were acquired as a result of illegal capture of family's property: the accumulated wealth of German and England. He succeded a lot in his endeavours. By 2008, he controlled the whole US financial and stock markets. By 2012, he consolidated the total corporate and souvereign US debt. With the highest concentration of capital in Vanguard group, my great-granddad made the largest company in the world, holding on balance equities of almost all major companies, and the pool of rights sufficient to make any contry bankrupt. Thus, through the sophisticated financial schemes, my great-granddad returned the lost property and rights, in the form of financial substitutes. The thing, that he did not have time to complete, was to get the real operational and legal control over the lost property, and exercise the real power. This part of task was dedicated to me. However, the Vanguard is just a part of my rights and business, as long as Hermann Göring was not the only great-granddad of mine. But I chose his acquittal as a my signature story for many reasons. The first and the main - to recover his good reputation by prosecution of the true criminals, who continued their crimes of serial ritual mass murders making not only my family in danger. Their existence and freedom to continue crime create the existential threat for all humankind.
I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.
Queen Victoria.

Fake Hares
After my parents were killed, two criminal mercenaries took me in illegally as part of the ZR/RIFFLE and MKULTRA programs. These 'double' identities were supplied in Russia through the church's network. The method was as follows: someone was killed, the case of death was not recorded, the body was destroyed, and in his place, a replica similar to him was brought back with his documents. Then the double changed his personal documents, made small typos and mistakes in the passport, and it was no longer possible to prove his identity. The sincere conviction that priests and monks are holy just like God, sinless, and ideal like angels, for decades in Russia, prevented criminals from being brought to clean water. Since the task of my fake parents was to raise me by a certain date and kill me within a certain period of time, until they had to keep me alive, our joint existence could hardly be called cloudless, but it was relatively tolerable. Because they knew they had to put me under the knife, the new parents were not going to spend a lot of money on me. They also had the task of ensuring that, God forbid, I would not get married and give birth to a child. Otherwise, the scammers would have to start all over again. Being the heir to a huge fortune and the owner of an impressive list of inherited titles, I experienced firsthand all the pleasures of life, literally on a dog bed with bread and water. In the last years of living together, my fake parents added a mixture of toxic substances to the dog bed, rice, bread, and water, instead of mustard to my vegan burger. But it was not a surprise for me after my youth. They did not make an effort to spend money on clothes for me during my childhood. They found the ugliest and cheapest clothes for me to wear. But shoes! There was no competition for ugly shoes among my fake relatives who were waiting for me to die. Sandals for retired grandmothers and white felt boots were what I wore to school when children no longer wore such shoes, even in villages. Once my budget and expenses stopped being dependent on my butcher parents, who raised me for slaughter, I generously and kindly forgive all my childhood grievances and also supported this family of two killers, sincerely believing them to be my real parents. However, the story ended. Were my fake parents alone? Of course, not. This scheme, usually used to create ZR/RIFLE mercenaries, has been applied numerous times. Explore the exciting realm of tributes here.

Orekhovskaya Gang
The historic moment came when the butcher parents had to fulfill their main task: killing me on time. Here appeared some obstacles. Their true nature and attitude towards me came to light in the beginning. During the last few months we lived together, they simply neglected me, and I slept with the dogs on a cardboard box on the floor in the kitchen. At this time, an aerosol with a mixture of toxic gas substances was sprayed every day in the kitchen, which both me and my dogs Harry and Carry suffered terribly, and Harry died. Secondly, they failed to actually complete the task assigned to them. My murder was crucial for their fees and their future happiness, which they had been pursuing the coveted golden fleece for so long. When they failed to kill me according to the accelerated program, they decided to declare me missing, regardless of the fact that I was not missing at all and was alive. They were tired of waiting and living in the premises previously used as gas chambers for me as well. You know, living under the daily shower made of Zyklone B is not comfortable. Before I had even a chance to die, they decided to declare me dead. What saved my life for so long? Well, I was the part of the hereditary chains of all the dynasties they needed, their rights finally were connected to me. Also, it is a ritual murder, and the ritual should be executed precisely. Otherwise, they would have to start from the beginning again. Their Indian gods would not be happy, and the criminals would not achieve the immortality and non-punishment they dreamed of. Finally, as specified above, the sophisticated and smart criminals who lived according to the laws of the criminal world have for decades protected my family. The hereditary legacy was not enough to satisfy Shiva, Kali, and other assholes' desire to take only the legacy of my ancestors. I had achieved my own wealth, and was already well-established in life. At that point, I had already made my first million dollars a long time ago. In addition to the inheritance, the false parents and their customers decided to take away everything I had acquired through my own efforts and labor. Therefore, not yet knowing what was happening, I simply began to contact the police regarding all illegal actions against me and the raider's takeover of my business and property. Imagine my surprise when not only the hereditary history came out, but also the main perpetrators of my murder - my dear friends and family. Having friends who appear to be adepts of the Kali the Goddess cult is a very doubtful pleasure, believe me. It transpired that Rysev and Voronina, two mercenaries from the Orekhovskaya gang, played the roles of my false parents, and had a slight resemblance to my parents on the outside. The truth was finally revealed after discovering the wedding photos of my mother and father and conducting genetic tests to restore my family tree.
Friends Shall Kill Friends
Through the course of 8 years, the investigation, which started with the fact that I was not paid money, led to the conclusion of the story. It came to light that not just the people I considered my parents were just two religious fanatics. Worst of all, it turned out that many people whom I had mistakenly considered my friends, colleagues, and subordinates for a long time co-participated in the crime against me - the ritual suffocation, poisoning, and burning attempts. In criminal slang, money means 'air'. To leave me without cash was a part of ritual suffocation, usually committed to the benefit of Kali the Goddess, as well as ritual poisoning by gases, resulting in dry drowning, ritual suffocation, and ritual poisoning at a time. The investigation revealed that almost all of my closest contacts were involved in both the legacy case and the raider's takeover of my business. These facts meant that my friends were accused of concealing the circumstances of the death of my parents, the fact of their death, and assassination attempts against me, that resulted in awful deaths of my lovely dotted friends.

In 2017, I acquired the rights to the Bananamama company from Oleg Yakovlev without knowing this blood-cooled story yet. The public's belief, based on Oleg Yakovlev's own words, was that Alfa-Bank and his brother Igor Yakovlev destroyed and captured the Bananamama. I obtained these rights with the expectation of receiving compensation for the damages caused by a ruined business. Imagine my emotions when I learned that no one had ever destroyed Bananamama. I was astonished to find out that Oleg Yakovlev wasn't the brother of Igor Yakovlev, but the child of Gennady Karkov, who was nicknamed Mongol, a mad and frostbitten criminal. It was the Mongol who began supplying werewolves to Russia under the ZR/RIFLE scheme, which was concealed by the Russian Orthodox Church. In the eyes of ordinary people, monks are seen as the same and all are saints, like angels, according to the Jesuit logic. No one will ever get to the bottom of the monk's identity, much less suspect him of a crime. In Russia, the Mongol gang led the ritual of killing the families of royal dynasts, and searched for people like me. Mongol opposed himself against almost the whole criminal world, which saved my life for decades. My family and I were protected during the years by fair criminals who followed the rules. One of my parents' murderers was the son of Mongol, Oleg Yakovlev. Since my parents were replaced in the years when Oleg was a fairly adult to be the father's assistant, he witnessed the murder of my parents and directly supervised the process of sending me to the next world at the right moment.
Son of Mongol
Due to my size in terms of status and wealth, Oleg Yakovlev, the heir of the criminal who pretended to be a king of the criminal world in Russia, participated in person in hunting me. Killing me was considered a fight between two figures of equal weight by the son of Mongol, and this puppy claimed the status of equal between me and my family, and him and his father. Oleg Yakovlev planned to inherit all of my property by pretending to be my husband after my death. Remember, according to the documents, the criminals amended the records to make me appear as the immigrated Andrey Tolstoy. For this reason, Oleg Yakovlev imitated his gay marriage in the US. This Bollywood-worthy story had to be a part of the ritual murder committed under the management of him and his sister Zina Yakovleva. She was totally participated to engaging in criminal activity against me, which included poisoning me and my pets, trying to claim that I had mental problems when I noticed the severe poisoning, and stealing my Porsche which cost me $370,000. Thus, in 2017 I acquired not Bananamama, but pure claims against the murderers of my parents, family, and my dogs. I never imagined that buying claims against Alfa-Bank would lead to a war with marginal thieves, who are disrespected even by criminals. Moreover, I did not expect that as a result of this trial, it would turn out that I had actually met the killers of my parents, family, and myself. And of course, I couldn’t even imagine that all that criminals did, were the ritual murders to serve the Indian pagan gods, and capture my legacy. The major for Indians were the rights to rule British India, the Vanguard group, and the gold of the Third Reich, which were seized by the US and other perpetrators after the Second World War.

You're checkmated, comrade grandmaster.
The Chessphone.

Alexey Pichushkin
Oleg Yakovlev's explanation of the raider takeover of Bananamama as the reason for the business's cessation was not accurate when the circumstances were started to be investigated. What emerged instead was an utterly different image. It turned out that Oleg Yakovlev, the son of a Mongol, was the main real leader of a complicated criminal structure, known in Russia as the Slater group. Eldorado, Bananamama, Sunrise, and various other assets were owned by Slater. This structure was created to bring the money of the Third Reich into legal circulation in Russia, which had already been partially laundered through drug cartels and the United States. The names of the companies established in Russia for these purposes had a Latin American etymology. The Mongol's pedigree was deceptive, claiming to be connected to the Shakhovsky princes but not his Kazakh-born mother. To communicate with each other about the plans for the murders of the royal dynasts, the members of the criminal group used ritual murders, such as the chess-styled serial killings of Alexei Pichushkin, for instance. In the fake pedigree of serial killer Gennady Karkov, they meant Princess Shakhovskaya, whose ancestor, according to her family tree, according to her surname, traced her descent from the Rurikids, one of whom received the nickname Shah during her lifetime. Shah (Persian شاه, šâh) is the title of the monarch in some countries of the Near and Middle East, the Delhi Sultanate and the Mongol Empire (in the form of “padishah”). Therefore, the nickname Mongol, which corresponds to the biography of his fictional character Alexy Ridiger, has no connection to Kazakhstan or any mother with Kazakh roots. The nickname Mongol has its basis in his falsified relationship with the Shakhovsky princes. Oleg Yakovlev's emigration to the United States was necessary solely because the United States does not extradite its citizens, and Oleg had been an American citizen for a long time. Oleg, apparently, had a great laugh when telling the story of how he lives poorly in the USA and works as a taxi driver to the gullible. Thieves in law are prohibited from working, and a thief in law cannot engage in any work. Pretending to be an 'in law,' he chose a profession of stealing and killing. Actually, this was the main business of the Slayter group of companies, a homonym for the English word 'butcher', which included retailers for drug money laundering. In the USA, his family led Donald Trump to the President Chair, organized activity of Navalny including his murder, terrorist acts like Pussy Riot, War Group, Bolotnaya Outrests, and many more.
Failed Heir
By the end of 2018, I had consolidated all rights to the Slater company. The history of investments has never witnessed such a desperate act as I did, without knowing the entire story: I discovered the murderers of my family and myself and purchased the rights to take all their property for just $6. In fact, from Mongol's son, I acquired the rights to the entire group of legal entities through which Mongol and the thieves' community conducted business in Russia and abroad. If the son of Mongol didn't try to return these rights consolidated by me, he wouldn't be the son of his father. By selling me these claims, Oleg Yakovlev thereby consolidated not only a large mass of inheritance rights on me, but also claims against himself. To form a complete set of claims related to Mongol and his son's criminal activities, I transferred all these claims to the balance of the BOOST. The son of the Mongol decided to obtain his own debts in the only way that was familiar to him - to take over the rights to my inheritance, including the equity of the BOOST. It is obvious that inheritance rights appear just after the death of the testator. Since Oleg Yakovlev knew very well that I would be killed because of the inheritance matter, he could only wait until both the inheritance rights and the claims against him and his father Mongol were consolidated by me. My false parents, who had been carefully organized by the Mongol and his son, and lower rank accomplices, were already the perpetrators in place. They also helped Oleg consolidate other rights to BOOST, including my intellectual property and other assets. The criminals acted together with the people whom I considered my business partners. For security reasons, I will not disclose the entire crime scheme so that no one would want to repeat it against me or one of my relatives. It is quite complex, built on a large number of technical details, and is unlikely to be of interest to the general public, who are not going to make a living with a knife, an axe, and an aerosol with a mixture of poisonous gases. 100% of my friends, acquaintances, colleagues, business partners, employers, and recruiters who carefully employed me in the corporate structures under Mongol's leadership have been granted procedural status for the criminal case. It's clear that their status is not that of victims and witnesses. Of course, Oleg Yakovlev's achievement is recognized in both the USA and Russia. I have never been a supporter of the death penalty, but having buried my entire family and about 2 dozen dogs who died during the unsuccessful attempts of the Mongol family and his accomplices to send me to Heaven, I consider the use of the death penalty against serial killers to be the only correct decision. A serial killer is a person who cannot be changed once he has tasted blood. Society has no choice - a serial criminal can either be isolated forever, solely with an iron-clad guarantee that he will never be released, or it is guaranteed to rid society of danger and reduce the cost of maintaining a serial killer. It is enough to spend some time studying the laws of genetics, biology, the forensic aspects of serial murders, and study the actual equipment, so that you will never again have doubts about whether the death penalty is necessary. Yes, it is necessary, and it is necessary in relation to serial killers. In my opinion, most states in the United States have answered this question comprehensively in federal and state laws.

Being Bogle
My circle was actively spreading rumors that I had died, gone missing, and other fantastic stories due to my fake parents and Oleg Yakovlev's rush to take over the rights to my legacy. With time, I can say that slander and damage to your reputation are meaningless when compared to the fact that you are already considered dead. Although I had already been in the next world, God kicked me back, giving me additional time on the field. The surname Bogle is nothing more than a ghost name, the ghost of a deceased person, because according to the documents, my great-grandfather was listed as dead. What is the feeling of living with the knowledge that, according to your documents, you are already dead, and there are orcs breathing in your back in aspiration to match your physical status to the documents at any point? This is like running under the thunder of the stones through the clouds of fire and poison without looking back and with all your might.
Life after death
What was it like for my great-grandfather, the only dollar trillionaire in the world, to live as a ghost? I don't know because I've never talked to him in person. The value of human communication with my genuine family that I was denied cannot be replaced by any amount of money. Just for a single conversation with my great-grandfather and parents, I would give everything I have. Reflecting on the question of why everything has happened this way in my life, and why my all-powerful great-grandfather did not take me to him, I think I have found the answer to this question. In order to hold onto what my ancestors left, I need to live the same life. It may appear to others that I would have been secure living close to my all-mighty great-granddad, and certainly wouldn't have experienced such a tragedy as my parents' death, and wouldn't have lost three years of my life due to a neonatal coma. It's true that this is a monstrous delusion. If you look at the portrait of my great-grandfather and dive into the study of his biography, of course, with a certain knowledge of genetics, biology, medicine, transplantology, and much more, it will become clear how he lived for more than 120 years. To avoid the danger of immediate death for all family members, it requires accepting the burden of responsibility for the existence of the entire dynasty. This way is dedicated to those who can go alone. Getting used to chronic poisoning with chemical warfare agents, undergoing blood transfusions, heart transplants, and using other invasive techniques to prolong life, despite their effectiveness, still leaves indelible marks on the organism. Zyklone B, VX, and phosgene, along with mustard gas, can change not only your fingers into drumsticks, but also your entire body. This is not a life that a glamorous woman would live. This is a constant battle for survival that can end anytime with both death and a terrible ritual savage murder. If my mother had been there for him and her mother, I wouldn't have even been conceived. Even if there were, there is a 99% chance that my mother would have died even before giving birth to me. And now consider that next to my great-grandfather, who will forever remain for me Hermann Göring no matter what other names he bore or chose, I have take on such a burden of Vanguard. How can people who could not save even their own life save the life of the entire dynasty? And most importantly, how can the successor know the life and how to live, while being for decades in a glass flask under supervision, without own experience and knowledge of humans and self-protection? You can't study life without engaging in it. My great-grandfather made the right choice giving me a chance to live as it is, which was the best check of the natural selection. I survived, and now I am writing about it.