Dear Warden. You were right. Salvation lay within.
Andy Dufresne.

Who is Meggi?
Meggi Bogle - this is me. A lifelong leader who strives to serve the world. As a member of the hereditary military aristocracy of royal descent, I bring a legacy of utterly extraordinary experience and unequaled insights to every task that I undertake. The 10 years of remarkable track record of BOOST, my alternative investment firm, is an example of this. In the end, I am the great-granddaughter of John Bogle. Read about me here.

The Titans
The history made by my dynasty encompassed more than just humanity's evolution. It is a source of great pride for me to have a pedigree representing the all-mighty family tree of the most powerful royal dynasties from throughout centuries. At the same time, it is a heavy burden and incredible responsibility to stay in line with my family. Making an honorable contribution to world wealth and history, not less than what my ancestors did, is necessary for this. Explore my pedigree and the rich heritage that has been handed down to me through my royal family.

If anyone is interested in what I'm doing, tell them I'm dead.
John Bogle.

the guard of vans
I run the BOOST. By December 31, 2023, it has become the biggest alternative investment firm in the world, with assets under management worth USD 98.385T (based on US GAAP), or approximately 8 Vanguard funds. The statement is valid because John Bogle was not the only one of my great-grandfathers. BOOST was founded by me in Russia in 2014 with $83K in own equity. By 2024, my firm has grown to be the largest private company with highly concentrated capital, overseeing the wealth of my family. The headline project of the BOOST is a Nüremberg Ring. Since my great-grandfather John Bogle passed away, among other assets, the BOOST has accepted his responsibility for the family legacy and inherited rights on behalf of me, the senior heir. The Vanguard Group, claims against the British India and former French and British colonies, the gold of the 3rd Reich, and royal trusts worldwide are among the major ones.

Leap beyond possible
Creating inventions in fields like quantum physics, human augmentation, criminalistics, biotechnology, and general management is what I aim to do to push boundaries of what is possible. Being well educated and qualified, I breed transformational solutions that can have a substantial impact on health, human lives, and your organization's competitive position.

To fight against war, we have an only one thing in our hands, but the most powerful weapon in the world: the truth.
Leo Tolstoy.
Witness a new epoch
My military family attempted to achieve peace by fighting against an ongoing war that has lasted for centuries. I am convinced that my signature story, which is about telling the truth, which is touching heart, mind, and the soul of every human, is powerful enough to stop the continuous slaughter.

Holy Bitch Diary
If you're looking for thought-provoking content that shuffles science, business, education, and entertainment, then Holy Bitch Diary is the reading for you. My blog focuses on criminalistics, history, asset management, business, entrepreneurship, health science, and corporate turnaround, providing a range of comprehensive and enchanting topics that give you a unique opportunity to see the world around you as never before.
Black Sarcasm is a graphic blog that reflects my personal philosophy and worldview. By creating minimalist art, I am seeking to uncover the dark and sinister sides of life and society. Each post on Black Sarcasm prompts my readers to think beyond the surface and discover the underlying truths that shape our world. Whether you are a cynic like me or simply seeking something unconventional and thought-provoking, Black Sarcasm is the perfect place for you.

Legacy Headline
Ragnarøkkr is the final battle between good and evil, which according to prophets will lead to the end of the world and the rebirth of the Universe. When only two humans and a few sons of Odin will give birth to the new generation of life, Ragnarøkkr marks the beginning of a new epoch in world history.
We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist.
Queen Victoria.