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Writer's pictureMeggi Bogle


Updated: Jul 31, 2023

It is hard to find a more convenient springboard for all sorts of impostors than our vast state, overcrowded with suspicious or exceedingly gullible administrators, business executives and social activists. All over the country, extorting or begging, the fake grandchildren of Karl Marx, the non-existent nephews of Friedrich Engels, the brothers of Lunacharsky, the cousins of Clara Zetkin, or, at worst, the descendants of the famous anarchist Prince Kropotkin, move. Detachments of mythical relatives diligently develop the natural wealth of the country: kindness, servility and servility.
Ilf I., Petrov E. The Golden Calf.

Only one thing distinguishes the mass of false heirs from the false grandchildren of the anarchist Prince Kropotkin - the size of the ticket in question. In the case of my test, what was at stake were not food stamps in the dining room "Friend of the Stomach", but the titles of the ruling dynasties, including the list of succession to the throne of Great Britain, about 150 castles and estates only in Moscow and the Moscow region, and other untold riches that many even imagine they can't - for example, the Imperial Kleynods, the Spear of Destiny, the Cup of the Holy Grail, and so on trifles - the rights to the Vanguard Fund, the rights to the Blackrock Fund, and Joe Biden's last underpants.

In fairy tales, a real princess was identified by putting a pea under her feather bed. In modern conditions, the confirmation of personal identity is a slightly more complicated task, which, however, may well be resolved in the simplest ways, which, at the level of common sense and the general laws of biology and logic, can answer the question posed about the origin of man:

1. Determination of the external similarity of a person with his ancestors.

2. Determination of genetic relationship by studying the history of chronic diseases, behavioral genetics.

3. Determination of the possibility of genetic relationship using DNA testing.

4. Consistency of the description of the origin with the actual circumstances and genetic pedigree.

5. Absence of contradictions between points 1-4.

Thus, I checked "on a pea" Maria "Vladimirovna Romanova", Peter "Olegovich Tolstoy", Andrei "Tolstoy-Miloslavsky", girls with vegetable names beets and marfa, Vladimir "Ilyich Tolstoy", "Tamara Romanov abbess", Nikita " Olegovich Tolstoy", and so, hooked on trifles - several dozen murders, corpses like the Romanovs, such as the mentally ill Anastasia Nikolaevna, marriage swindlers, a new kind of people called "thorn muzzles" (it's almost like a snake, only the face is sewn from scraps of skin) , well, and much more.

I don’t know how to retell the Old Testament and the Apocrypha in a nutshell, but I will try to do it in parts.

There is an erroneous opinion that the extermination of the nobility in Russia took place exclusively in the Soviet era during the revolution and immediately after it, which was called the Red Terror. This opinion is widespread only among persons who never belonged to the nobility and were not members of dynasties. The harsh truth, based on facts and documents, is that the heirs of the ruling dynasties, who inherited titles by birth, were killed approximately from the moment when the Byzantine church came to Russia, and marriages with foreigners began, followed by fratricidal wars that turned into military aggression by the Roman Empire and its successors. Increasingly, the murder of heirs to titles began to occur under Vasily III and Ivan the Terrible. In the era of unrest and palace coups, wars, and attempts at uprisings, many nobles were killed. Many of them were formally stripped of birth titles. Realizing that only death can deprive the title by birth, such nobles were exiled to prisons and hard labor, in fact, achieving natural death. To be born into the dynasty of Rurikovich or Gediminovich represented immediately at birth, in addition to titles, inheriting the risk of an almost guaranteed death as a result of violent death. This is evident not only from the murders of kings, which are obvious to all historical events. But how many nobles from Rurikovich and Gediminovich were poisoned, burned, died as a result of ridiculous accidental incidents, leaves no doubt that this sad trend is not the total bad luck of all the dead, but a series of acts of regicide.

By the 18th century, all real carriers of life-threatening genes in the form of titles of ruling dynasties began to prefer to forget about them, and avoid mentioning the full name of all inherited rights. Among them was Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, who was an incredible combination of pedigrees of the most eminent European, Asian, and Russian dynasties, from each of which a large number of titles passed to him. In the direct male line, Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy is a direct descendant of Prince Gediminas, his son Narimunt. In addition to the Gediminoviches and the clans from the Gediminoviches, Leo Tolstoy's genealogy included the dynasties of the Mongol Empire (the Borzhigin, Kungirat, Terteroba clans), the Japanese imperial Yamato and Minamoto dynasties, the Chinese imperial Liyao dynasty and the Tibetan emperors Yarlungs. As for the Rurikoviches, in the genealogy of Leo Tolstoy they were presented in all their beauty and diversity - the Volkonskys, Gorchakovs, Mortkins, Obolenskys, Shakhovskys, and many others. In the pedigree of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, such ancestors as the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy and Batu Khan, Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, and the descendants of the Wittelsbach and Yngling families peacefully coexisted. Sworn enemies were bound by bonds of dynastic marriages.

At the beginning of the 20th century, during the 1st World War, the 3rd Reich continued the previously begun destruction of any pretenders to the titles of the ruling dynasties that could affect his interests. By virtue of previously concluded dynastic marriages, all direct descendants of the royal and princely families of Rurik, Gediminovich and Bagration posed a significant threat. If before the 1st World War the extermination of the heirs of the ruling dynasties was latent, and noticeable only to the families of the heirs, in the First World War and the Red Terror that followed it, the extermination became not just a murder with imitation of natural death, but a monstrous act of ritual massacre. The same methods that the 3rd Reich used during the 2nd World War, he had previously tested on the Russian nobility. Any heir to the dynasty listed above had a choice of death in a concentration camp in Europe, or brutal ritual murder in Russia. You can get acquainted with the methods of extermination of people in Mexican drug cartels - the methods of causing violent death in cases of genocide of nobles, the Holocaust, and wars of drug cartels are no different. The nobility began to be exterminated back in the era of the 1st World War, in concentration camps in Europe, and not a single nobleman, fearing for his life, would emigrate to Europe. Emigration to Europe during the First World War meant certain death. However, if we study the fantastic biographies of many of the heirs of the title holders that are posted about them on the Internet, or freshly published publications, it turns out that all of them suddenly decided to travel during the First World War, and in some cases, the love of travel turned out to be so strong - during a period when Europe was filled with concentration camps for the Slavs.

The same legend was spread in relation to the son of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy - Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, the last representative of the dynasty who left a large number of male heirs, the trace of which was completely lost during the First World War. Around 1992, Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, and also, by no coincidence, near the house of Anhalt, and Bagrationov in Russia and Spain, who were related to the children of Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, suddenly showed up relatives.

These relatives are famous people and their names are well known:

  1. Pyotr Olegovich Tolstoy

  2. Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy

  3. Nikita Ilyich Tolstoy

  4. Thekla and Martha Thick

  5. Maria Vladimirovna Romanova

  6. Georgy Mikhailovich Romanov

  7. Leonida Georgievna Bagration-Mukhranskaya

  8. Georgy Alexandrovich Bagration-Mukhransky.

  9. Abbess of the Olivet Monastery in Israel "Tamara Romanova".

  10. Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov

When checking biographies and conducting an investigation into the origin of these individuals, details were revealed that make hair stand on end.

All males, who, according to the legends of these persons, are declared as their grandfathers - the children of Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy - were brutally killed in the 1st World War and during the Red Terror. With women from Tolstoy, non-fat thick relationships were not declared, since titles were transmitted mainly through the male line.

When checking the circumstances of the "emigration" of Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy and Sofya Nikolaevna Filosofova, as set out in Wikipedia, and the marriage of Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy with a certain Nadezhda Katulskaya, it turned out that there is no documentary evidence of the fact of emigration of either Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy or Sofya Nikolaevna Philosopher, as well as marriage from Katulskaya. And the fact of marriage with a woman of Polish origin (I remind you that Poland was one of the main locations of the death camps) is more than doubtful. But the facts confirming the onset of the actual violent death of Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy in 1915 and Sofya Nikolaevna Filosofova around 1919-1923. more than enough.

Documents and evidence confirming the emigration of Elena Lvovna Kochubey, Grand Duchess, daughter of Darya Evgenievna Beauharnais and Lev Mikhailovich Kochubey, stated in Wikipedia, I could not get. However, the facts indicating that neither Elena Lvovna Kochubey nor her father Lev Mikhailovich Kochubey left Russia, and died in Russia, turned out to be more than enough. Elena Lvovna Kochubey did not emigrate from Russia with her father, and remained alive only because she changed her last name and first name in order to survive. Elena Lvovna's mother, Daria Evgenievna Bogarne, was shot without trial. In addition to them, without trial, in the Pyatigorsk massacre, the relatives of Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, the princes Urusovs, Shakhovskys, were brutally murdered. The princes Volkonsky, Golitsyn, Shirinsky-Shikhmatov, and Prince Dolgorukov were also killed further in Tomsk. Bagrations and Volkonskys were shot without trial, Prince A.I.Bagration was brutally murdered in the Pyatiorsk massacre. Even execution could not be the worst option for murder, since the savage Pyatigorsk massacre, in terms of the degree of atrocities committed, can overtake even Mexican drug cartels. Nobles were burned alive in their homes along with cattle, robbed of houses, and committed real atrocities.

The more I checked the texts of the Wikipedia articles, according to which all the nobles happily emigrated from Russia, and created families there, by amazing coincidence with partners related to the 3rd Reich and on the territory of the Axis, the more shocking the truth was revealed to me. In fact, as it turned out as a result of the investigation, almost none of the relatives I examined, and listed on Wikipedia as having emigrated, actually did not emigrate anywhere, and even more so to Europe, but was killed in Russia during the First World War, Red and Great Terror. As for their children, the children remained in Russia, changing their surnames and names, and did not even try to leave for Europe, where they were expected by absolutely inevitable death, due to the genocide of the Slavs, and even more so of the nobles from Russia. Thus, the legend that the above-mentioned non-fat fat people are the offspring of the emigrating or surviving children of Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy turned out to be completely untenable.

As I have repeatedly noted, the 3rd Reich had its own special language of communication - the use of colors to convey messages, the use of clothing, metaphorical names, and other features are well described in the article Slang Paths, the essence of which is that people who are in the same socio-cultural group inherit each other's vocabulary, behavioral patterns, gestures, habits, daily routine, and other specific characteristics of the group. One of the features of the criminal world is that it has its own language, which is incomprehensible to people who are not part of the criminal environment.

Earlier, during the 2nd World War, Jews were deceived into concentration camps, informing them that they were being moved to the ghetto and to the promised land. In Auschwitz, the part of the camp where the suicide wagons were unloaded was called the road to Canaan. As we know from history, Jews were not driven into the gas chambers with butts, they were offered to wash before meeting God in the Promised Land, and the things taken from the cars were promised to be returned upon departure. The 3rd Reich had its own special way of naming things and objects, and giving them names, and there can be no random ones here - like, for example, lobbying for the Magnitsky list by Boris Nemtsov. "The Road to Canaan" in Auschwitz (Polish, by the way), as well as New Haven, where Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy "emigrated", have one onomastic nature, and one authorship. Haven in translation from English means heaven, paradise. According to the Wikipedia article, Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy moved to paradise in 1916. This means that he was killed in 1916, and given the context of the circumstances, the murder took place on the territory of Austria-Hungary. The facts of the emigration of I.L. Tolstoy and S.N. The legend about "emigration" to the Czech Republic S.N. Philosophical through the territory of the Ottoman Empire is not at all considered as probable. During this period, the Theresienstadt concentration camp for Slavs and Jews was located in the Czech Republic, and the Ottoman Empire carried out mass genocide. Sofya Nikolaevna Filosofova was lucky to have in her pedigree persons to be exterminated. It is unlikely that she would have gone for a walk to certain death in Europe. After I made a request to Connecticut, and where, in fact, my great-grandfather and his corpse, in Connecticut there was a massive attack of bear disease among officials and publishers of the newspaper, which is promoted on Wikipedia as a document confirming the civil status of my great-grandfather abruptly than his personal documents. My great-grandfather did not enter the USA and did not die there. Wikipedia and the newspaper belong to Vanguard.

The same applies to Prince Lev Mikhailovich Kochubey, who hastily “emigrated with children,” the husband of Daria Evgenievna Beauharnais, who was murdered without trial in Russia. According to the legend of Wikipedia, the spouses - the heirs of a list of titles for several dozen pages - decided to "disperse". After that, one spouse was definitely killed, and the second type hastily left. Only he did not enter France, he was not buried there, and he did not leave Russia. The corpse has disappeared. Fuck myself, I want to tell you, a turn, for members of the Russian Imperial Family. They fled like a bare-ass limit in a hostel. Duke and Duchess. Only those who believe in the "emperorship" of the yellow-toothed pig-like "Mary Romanova" can believe in this garbage.

Biographies about the successful emigration of nobles from Russia in the years when emigration could only occur in the form of being sent to a concentration camp and then killed are written on Wikipedia, controlled by the Hearst Corporation. Hirst is part of the Vanguard group. Persons who pretended to be the "great-grandchildren" of Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, the Romanovs, Bagrations, are part of the Vanguard group and are related to the 3rd Reich. All the persons indicated in the list were never biologically related to Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, the Bagrations and the house of Anhalt, as they stated, however, they are in a confirmed relationship with the family of the main persons involved in the 3rd Reich - the "counts" of one castle, the Hohenzollerns (they are also counts of Nuremberg ). It was in Nuremberg, the family estate of the ruling elite of the 3rd Reich, that the "Nuremberg Trials" were held, which went down in history as the largest parody of justice.

In general, to discuss the nuances in the form of obvious contradictions in the biographies of non-fat thick, non-Roman novels, and the rations of bagrations to the actual circumstances, and the absence of any documents confirming kinship with eminent ancestors with whom these persons claim kinship does not make sense, since the fact that the biological characteristics of the indicated children of Lieutenant Schmidt and great-grandchildren of Rosa Luxembourg do not correspond is obvious, and does not require immersion in subtleties genealogy and genetics:

1. All these persons do not have any external and behavioral resemblance to the ancestors with whom they claim to be related. The statements about the kinship of these persons, in the complete absence of external resemblance to their ancestors of the 20th generation, refutes the possibility of such kinship due to the existence of laws of inheritance. Hamsters give birth to hamsters, bears give birth to bears. Horses don't suckle pigs.

2. All of these individuals suffer from genetically determined congenital diseases, clearly visible, which none of the ancestors with whom they claim to be related suffered - vitiligo (Maria Romanova), frontal dementia, Williams syndrome (Nikita "Ilyich Tolstoy", and other signs of genetic difference. The presence of a genetically determined disease in the absence of this in all ancestors, in the absence of inbred marriages and accelerated mutation, which also does not happen spontaneously, is impossible.

3. The remains of all persons who are called by these children of Lieutenant Schmidt as "direct ancestors" were previously desecrated and destroyed, mainly outside of Russia - the "announced" emigration was disinformation to make it difficult to access the bodies and establish the cause of death. The destruction of the bodies was required to destroy the reference DNA and prevent the disclosure and investigation of the crimes of the 3rd Reich. As I have repeatedly emphasized, the crimes of serial regicide and the transfer of power to false heirs are a characteristic handwriting of the 3rd Reich.

4. The results of genetic testing of these individuals, distributed on the Internet, contradict the genetic genealogy of the ancestors with whom these individuals claim to be related. So, the direct ancestor of Leo Ilyich Tolstoy in the male line is Prince Gedimin, the Gediminoviches are carriers of the Y-chromosomal haplogroup N1a, so the conclusion made that "Leo Tolstoy had the haplogroup I1a because it is so in P.O. Tolstoy" is obviously false , since Pyotr Olegovich Tolstoy was never biologically related to Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, a descendant of Prince Gediminas. An even greater fake to cloud the brains of the public can be called the "examination" of the remains of the Romanov family. The so-called "Romanovs" are genetic Germans in the direct male line, born as a result of inbreeding from Albrecht Medved. When reviewing the results of the "examination", it is easy to notice that it completely lacks any references to the actual results of the analyzes - a description of the identified DNA and haplotype alleles. Instead, we are offered a version of some strange genealogy drawn to the Piast and Oldenburg dynasties (I remind you that the plan to capture Russia, which went down in history as the Green Folder of Goering, was called the Oldenburg Plan). As follows from the texts of the officially published study of the remains of the Romanovs, the examination and presentation of the results of the examination was carried out in violation of the current legislation, not on the basis of the rules established for conducting forensic medical examinations of a forensic nature. In the examination itself, the question of the identity of the remains to the personalities of the killed is not resolved, since the relationship with direct ancestors in the direct male and female lines has not been proven, which was not the subject of research at all. As follows from the results of the examination, conclusions about the belonging of the remains of the "Romanovs" were made on the basis of the gender and age of the remains of the bodies, "signs of high-quality dental care", and traces of burning and exposure to acid. I remind you that similar "remains of families" in an identical form were found during the burial of quite a living Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, and other Nazis, who thus imitated their own death. As follows from the results of the examination, the experts were unable to reliably establish the gender of these individuals, which means that the experts did not have reliable sources of reference DNA for comparison. And, as follows from the questions put to the permission of the experts, the examination did not conduct research to confirm the identity of the remains of the remains by the methods of DNA analysis provided for this, since the question of the relationship of these persons, in principle, was not raised in the examination. The question posed by Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev to the experts sounded something like this: "But isn't the current measured in amperes?" As follows from the results of the examination, drawn up in the form of a report, a full-fledged genetic study to confirm the identity of individuals and their relationship in relation to each other was not carried out as part of the examination. However, the main focus of commentators on the Internet publications about the alleged fraud Verification of the DNA of the remains of the Romanov family is almost always accompanied by phrases that the discovered living Princess Anastasia is a fraud, not based on any facts, evidence, or the results of genetic studies. In no published document, including the official report of the examination, I was able to find the results of a DNA study - information about the Y-chromosomal and mitochondrial DNA of the discovered remains, and information about the identified haplotype alleles. Thus, the controversy about the identity of the remains of the "Romanovs" and the conclusions of not only experts, but also the investigation, are carried out in the absence of the results of an actually carried out genetic examination in accordance with the norms of the law, genetic genealogy and common sense - without the results of DNA testing, the DNA of someone's ancestors is discussed , the remains of which are also physically absent because they were previously defiled and destroyed. I come to the conclusion that both the examination and its non-scientific and non-forensic nature were initially carried out not to establish the real belonging of the remains and to confirm or refute the belonging of the remains to the descendants of the Anhalt house, but to create a formal basis for confirming the fact of the "murder" of the Romanov family, unconditionally refuted by the appearance of the living Princess Anastasia, the illegal refutation of kinship with Princess Anastasia in order to hide the actual circumstances of the removal of emperors from the house of Anhalt, and other forensic subtleties of this case, including in the form of an urgent early canonization of people whose death and circumstances of death are reliable in violation of all church canons not confirmed. In fact, the only circumstance officially confirming the fact of death of these persons in the eyes of the general public, apart from photographs on the Internet and Wikipedia (which are controlled by the Vanguard group), is their emergency early canonization by the Russian Orthodox Church. In the history of forensic science and human biology until this historical "examination" there were no precedents when it was possible to unmistakably determine the relationship with Queen Victoria and the Oldenburg dynasty by the number of bones and traces of acid on the teeth. But couch experts, together with gray-haired academics, did it. But most importantly, no one was surprised by the fact that the forensic medical examination was given to a scientific institution, and not a forensic laboratory, and that in the report on the results of the examination there is not a word about the subject of genetics proper, which is the subject of an exclusive study of this institute of genetics Vavilov. With all due respect, the genetic forensic examination of human corpses is carried out by the relevant forensic laboratories, the provision of which with equipment and personnel is regulated by law. But the transfer of such a forensic medical examination to a scientific institution engaged in plant breeding is simply contrary to common sense. Look at the "works" of the main leader - scientific papers. And now compare with the qualification requirements for forensic experts who can be entrusted with such work, which are established by law. There is only one question - why should they? Why not invite other nice and nice people? Look at the Research Institute of Geology of the Earth is full of handsome men, at the Institute of Brain Biophysics, and in general scientific organizations in Russia to hell. Why was this institution chosen from all the non-core institutions, and why was the forensic organization not chosen from among the specialized institutions? The conclusion is simple - the examination was carried out by "schmeksperts" who do not have qualifications in the subject area subject to examination, was carried out in violation of the law, and its results were drawn up in violation of the law. This "examination" cannot have the status of sufficient evidence either for the investigation or for criminal proceedings.

5. All of the above persons have a striking resemblance to persons who were part of the 3rd Reich (Ilse Koch with her husband, Albert Goering with his wife, El Chapo, Pablo Escobar), and who subsequently emigrated to the United States where they continued their activities. BY. Tolstoy has an inexplicable resemblance to the Koch couple, V.I. Tolstoy bears a strong resemblance to Larry Flink, CEO of the BlackRock Foundation, the mirror fund of the Vanguard Foundation. Larry Flink is the son of Albert Goering. Maria Vladimirovna Romanova does not look like any of her ancestors, with whom she claims to be related, but she comes from Spain from the homeland of the Medellin cartel, which is part of the Vanguard group, and has a great resemblance to Pablo Escabar and El Chapo. Andrei "Tolstoy-Miloslavsky" does not look like any of the ancestors with whom he claims kinship, has genetic research results that contradict his statements (another haplogroup), but he has many relatives of Anglo-Saxon origin similar to him in the dynasty of Karl Franz of Prussia, cavalier Iron Cross 3rd Reich. In principle, only studying the history of the activities of the 3rd Reich, the biographies of these characters and persons with whom they actually have a genetic and external resemblance, is enough not to plunge into other subtleties of the investigation.

6. Almost all of these faces and their reference samples from the 3rd Reich have traces of a large number of surgical plastic surgeries on their faces, the purpose of which was to modify their appearance. The operations were performed by the same method and the same parts of the face were changed in the same ways - chin plastic surgery with an implant, trimming of the upper eyelid, lowering the level of the scalp in the forehead and removing the skin on the forehead. The plastic of the nose looks absolutely monstrous, which was simply an assembly of it from pieces of skin. The faces themselves, if you look closely, look like masks sewn from skin flaps. One of the figurants has a significant asymmetry in the exterior, which suggests that it was caused by the removal of donor skin for facial plastic surgery (skin from the mammary gland, which is closest in structure to the skin of the face). The operations performed were supposedly performed by one specialist, after the operations there was no rehabilitation to remove scars, and the condition of the faces and appearance of the persons involved does not allow us to say that the operations were performed for aesthetic purposes (preservation of rotten and yellow teeth, malocclusion, beards in women, poor skin condition, a large number of wrinkles - the remaining defects are poorly combined with plastic surgery, if the goal was aesthetics of appearance). The faces themselves, when viewed up close, look nauseating due to their structure of skin tissue collected from shmats.

7. The same operations to modify the appearance, under the stage make-up without polishing the scars, were done for the Nazis who emigrated from Germany to the USA and the EU (Hildegard Neumann, Ilse Koch, Irma Grese). The only person I was able to find among the Nazis who did not undergo plastic surgery on his face was Hermann Göring. He simply lost about 2/3 of the weight before the escape, which is why his appearance at the time of the escape was completely inconsistent with the one that was recorded in the archives and prison materials. It is the weight loss that causes a slight difference in the size of his ears and the tip of his nose - the Bogle's ears and nose seem a little larger due to sagging soft tissues. Goering had a congenital heart defect that led to the appearance of "drumsticks" - fingers on the hands with thickened joints. When losing weight in prison, this became especially noticeable. In the photograph of the supposedly deceased Goering, also circulated on the Internet as reliable evidence of his death, it is easy to see that the hands of the corpse are hidden, and the face has signs of Ramsey Hunt syndrome. That is - the photograph shows a person who is not Hermann Göring, and even more so his corpse. Similar modifications can be found in the case of Irma Grese and Ilse Koch - both, like Goering, lost more than 1/2 of their weight after emigrating, and received plastic surgery to modify their appearance, which consisted primarily in the removal of saggy skin by surgery. However, in the case of Irma Grese, as in the case of Göringov, a slight change in the soft tissues of the nose is a consequence of weight loss and sagging due to a decrease in the subcutaneous fat layer.

8. Called "Abbess of the Monastery of Olives" "Tamara Romanova" is not Tatyana Konstantinovna Bagration. The photographs circulated on the Internet show a woman who is not T.K.Bagration. It is easy to find out by the simplest check according to the rule of Hans Gross.

9. All of these children of Lieutenant Schmidt hatched at the same time, and at the moment immediately after the death of their "parents" - in fact, people who could confirm that these persons are not biologically related to them.

10. I was not able to obtain documentary and factual evidence of the "emigration" of persons who were declared by these persons as their ancestors. However, I managed to collect facts indicating that the ancestors declared by these persons, contrary to their legends, never emigrated to these countries from Russia, and did not enter into marriages in them.

11. I managed to find a series of the same type of fraud - a sufficient number of cases of identical fictitious or invalid marriages with real descendants of Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, in which the marriage swindlers were actually related or were controlled by the 3rd Reich group and its business organization Vanguard. In the family of Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, we managed to find more than 10 such marriages, in each successive generation of 6 analyzed only under one branch of the family, which ended in divorces - for each generation there were an average of 1.75 false marriages. For succession and the actual exercise of certain rights in connection with titles, in some cases divorce is an insurmountable obstacle by virtue of the acts of succession to the throne. This testifies to the consistent malicious actions of one group of persons, which, in addition to committing a series of regicide, in relation to the surviving heirs in the direct male line of the family, performed activities aimed at the appearance of circumstances for such heirs that exclude their participation in the succession to the throne as inappropriate to the accepted criteria.

Materials regarding these "relatives", fans of plastic surgery after escaping from the Nuremberg Tribunal, as well as on the facts of the murder of Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, Sofya Nikolaevna Filosofova, Prince Lev Mikhailovich Kochubey, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, Prince Ivan Konstantinovich Bagration, and other persons included in the family tree BOOST beneficiary, and who suddenly had heirs without external and genetic resemblance, were transferred to law enforcement agencies. The issues of discussing kinship and comparing the appearance, DNA and pedigrees of these "heirs" are not subject to any serious discussion in principle, since their obvious inconsistencies are the subject of criminal proceedings within the framework of Chapter 34 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and materials of the Nuremberg Tribunal.

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