“In order to hide my confusion, I pretended to be looking at a small picture hanging on the wall, which, by the way, really turned out to be familiar to me. - Like? - Continuing to smile, Friedrich asked me. - Highly! - I said sincerely. - This is Matisse ... " Kysya. V. Kunin
Somehow it happened that in my hometown - in Samara - I didn't have time to live, less than half of the time fell on the Samara era. Of this smaller half, even less came at a timeб when I was good and comfortable in my hometown. Then, whether the housing issue had not yet spoiled everyone, or whether something human from people had not completely evaporated, it is unknown. But even 20 years ago, the city breathed differently, life was better and more pleasant, buns with poppy seeds in the canteen across the street from the institute could still be eaten, and at the institute, they read political economy.
Now I do not go to Samara because I hate to come to my hometown. It's like throwing yourself into Chernobyl for the weekend. Well, or in Pripyat there, for example. Excursion along the right-of-way.
They say that there are no more pianists - Friedman and Matsuev remained, as you like and listen. Rachmaninov, Liszt, Van Cliburn, Rubinstein, they did not seem to exist. This is all because our education has been simplified. By the way, at my school, in Samara, there was such a subject of the MHK (*name of fine art course). About the fact that Manet and Monet are not the same things, I know from there. And about the fact that Pissarro is a pointillist Camille Pissarro, and not what you thought. And also about Edgar Degas, the cut-off ear of Van Gogh, and other scandals of intrigue investigations from the lives of Baudelaire, Gauguin, Morisot, Matisse, and others. In some technical lyceum in the economic class, where the head could not be raised from physics, chemistry, mathematics, in the classroom, they read "The Master and Margarita," Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, and generally developed culturally. With the reduction of educational programs, simplification, and general acceleration, from education is gone morality and ethics. A person does not receive spiritual development, so he thinks about the gospel parable of talents that it is about how if a bear has not stepped on your ear, then you must definitely practice vocals. The church casts a shadow over the fence and tells some murky nonsense about the second coming. But in general, a parable about something else.
I was lucky to get as many as three educations in the light era, when they taught in schools, in institutes too, and all trade in universities was limited to sausages in dough in buffets and a photocopy on the first floor. We had a history of economic doctrines, there were five different statisticians, political economy, microeconomics, macroeconomics, general economic theory, and so on. The amount of mathematics we were taught was probably only taught in engineering departments. And the diploma was not given to us by an "accountant." And "Economist by profession ..." and there is a long line of who studied what. People knew the economy and the industry where they were going to work. We were tyrannized on the subject of STONH - a system of technologies for the branches of the national economy. You had to know the production of sulfuric acid, for example. Or cast iron. Or what is hot casting, cold plastic casting, forgings, stamping, pressing, and so on. The matrix for me - is a part of a mold, not a film by the Wachowski brothers. To better assimilate STONH, we were sent to industrial practice. The graduate had to be able to work in any manufacturing enterprise. People flew out from the first year only because of STONH. It was more difficult to pass it than mathematics.
From the institute, just from the accounting and economics faculty, there was a man stuffed like a Christmas goose with mathematics, economics, statistics, production and industry, accounting, and other applied sciences. He had a brain, horizons, fundamental knowledge, he only had to be spoiled by working in a real company and retrained to do everything wrong.
Why do you think everyone now needs a hundred accountants? Because everything has changed. Spiritual development in schools is replaced by religious obscurity. A broad outlook and knowledge of art are perceived as an unnecessary luxury. Universities are now producing a one-line accountant. He knows how to do one wiring. Debit 20, credit 60. Say - make 20 - 76, and it will be fucked like a Bender robot from Futurama. While business owners are investing billions of rubles in sophisticated infrastructure and IT to provide sufficient detail for business management, accounting and its representatives are moving towards gaining adipose tissue. In the sense of simplifying accounting and freeing up the accountant's time for cutting and sewing courses, personal growth pieces of training "I am a princess," eating cakes during the working day, and discussing lurex outfits for corporate parties. They put their five-sized buffers with the device for the needs of business owners and company executives.
Indeed, why do so many unnecessary postings - when materials, for example, can be immediately written off to production, bypassing material accounts. It's more convenient for a one-line accountant. And for me, as a shareholder/manager/asset manager, this has never been more convenient. Because the meaning of a business transaction is different, and if you write it off right away, I won't see important analytics. What happened to these materials.
Unclear? I'll explain. For edification, so to speak. The parable about accounting. The meaning of writing off through the accounts of warehouse accounting and accounting of the MPZ (as I was taught at the institute) is this: a car with TTN arrived at the plant, unloaded the alloying materials, weighed them, checked for quality, took them to the warehouse, released them into production from the warehouse according to the invoice, spent and reported for the expense after the fact. And this is a simplified diagram. And there are much more documents and operations. In simplified modern accounting, the meaning of direct write-off of materials into production is as follows: alloying components were instantly teleported from the supplier's warehouse by air directly to the foundry furnace.
As a result, the business owner and the one-line accountant are two opposing vectors. You hire business analysts to do complex calculations - while your accountants trim down the raw data for complex analysis. Teleport oil to gasoline.
While you are digging the loot into SAP or other ERP, the chief accountant Marya Petrovna, or Matilda Feliksovna Shneperson, the Director of the accounting department, and something else goes to the same courses, where the same agenda: 1. The meaning of the life of any accountant is to pay as little taxes as possible and at the same time not sit down. 2. Accounting should be simplified, otherwise, the work takes too much personal time. 3. New forms of accounting documents. 4. Miscellaneous.
In short, when I was studying, our institute trained not one-line accountants, but trained specialists and had an industrial practice. A self-respecting economist should have an idea of what blacksmithing looks like, what a matrix point is, know the marking of steels and alloys, and also have a bunch of other general knowledge. At a minimum, so as not to look like a moron at production meetings, as a maximum, to consciously manage the economy and finances of the plant. When I was doing my internship, Samara was the largest industrial center in the country. There was plenty to choose from. Metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, river transport, oil industry, production of electrical products, agriculture, and many other enterprises were in the city and the region. The keyword is WAS.
as well as Plant them. Maslennikova The 9th GPP and Volgaburmash are warming up KINAP KATEK Silicate plant - transported, fate unknown, abandoned property Steel Plant Repair and mechanical plant Samarablankizdat printing house Elevator of flour mill №1 Factory-kitchen on Novo-Sadovaya Samara flour mill GPP in the village. Melzavod - made micro bearings. Machine-tool plant - turning and milling machines. Jig boring machine plant The Ekran plant - manufactured televisions and other devices. Aviation plant
Aerodrome equipment plant. The Avtoagregat plant in Togliatti has been bankrupt since 2015. Volgotanker Shipping Company, river port and river technical school, Rechbunker CJSC (bankrupt) Bakery No. 3 Bakery # 1, st. Wentzeck. Bakery # 4, pos. Mekhzavoda. Bakery # 9 is closed for housing development CJSC SV - Povolzhskoe (bankruptcy) Pig complex for 108 thousand heads Flour mill №1 Melzavod No. 2 was liquidated by a court decision Melzavod No. 3 on Khlebnaya Square. Samara Printing House Volgokabel A compound feed factory on Khlebnaya Square. Plant "Raid" - defense industry (mechanisms for submarines and devices) - bankruptcy, redistribution. Samara Hippodrome
Samara Valve Plant is an industrial enterprise in Samara that produced valves for civil, military and agricultural equipment.
It's a fucking true, really true long list.
Tell me, how did you allow it? Are you in Moscow? Are you blind? Or don't you take your ass out of the office? Or do you not understand at all what is going on? Do you know what the Prosecutor General's Office does with complaints? That's right, my smart ones. Sends them back to the region.
Three even more brilliant projects stand apart. I call them "Zombies" or empty shells. Have you ever eaten oysters? Here. This is it. When you eat an oyster, an empty shell remains. It can be thrown into an aquarium. You can send children to kindergarten for crafts.
The confectionery factory "Russia" - the largest in Europe - has been sold to foreigners. Thanks to the best technology and customer care, Generous Soul now produces 85g and 90g chocolates. Thank you, guys. And you try it as in double-sided socialism. To give a profit and an economy of production in accordance with GOST, with chocolates of 100 grams. No, no way?
Metallurg plant. I quote: "possessing the latest technological developments, it was and is the main manufacturer of materials from aluminum alloys in Russia for the domestic aircraft industry, the Navy, rocketry, and spacecraft." Also, RIP. Now our flagship of the aluminum industry is implementing SOX Compliance and rolling cans. Coca-Cola and beer defeated the planes. Democracy, conversion plus the electrification of the whole country.
As a result, the localization of the business model in Russian took place in Samara: 1. Bankruptcy / murder / contract criminal case 2. Transfer of control 3. Destruction of the plant 4. Construction of a shopping center / residential complex/restaurant on site. At least 40 large enterprises crashed, but no one heard about the landing. It’s like a fraud, an economic article (even where there were murders), it’s a long time to tinker with it, no one needs it, and so on. Seriously? Dozens of the largest industrial enterprises have been turned into taverns, bowling alleys, and residential complexes - an economic article?
They seem to be all crazy in Samara. Maybe they are throwing something into the air?
What's really going on:
1. Closes / goes bankrupt Russian plant - a taxpayer, which employed Russian citizens. Before the closure of the plant, as a rule, it produced products for the domestic market or for export. 2. It is explained to everyone that the plant could not stand the competition, conversion, and other bullshit. 3. Control over the plant is transferred to a foreign company (offshore or low-tax jurisdiction). 4. The asset is transformed into a real estate object to receiving rent. The rent goes to the accounts of the foreign company. 5. A foreign company pays/does not pay taxes to a foreign state. 6. Property in the Russian Federation (including land) is owned by a foreign company.
That Samara, as I remember it from the institute - with a bunch of factories where you can practice practice, after which there is then where to go to work in your specialty - has disappeared. Hiring waiters and hostesses. The city has become a natural Silent Hill. Lawlessness, #OTMOROZKO, endless redistribution of the same factories, continuous restaurants, and residential complexes. And zombies in the streets. I am the only one in this phantasmagoria that the question arises - where do people in the city get money for pizzas in pubs and new apartments if the real sector is bent? From there. From credit cards of Pupkoff bank. At 80% per annum. Effects:
1. Revenue of Russian industrial enterprises is declining.
2. The number of jobs is declining.
3. The share of imports is growing.
4. Russian budget revenues are declining.
5. Incomes of the population are declining.
6. The population is credited due to lack of money and imposed patterns of consumer behavior.
7. Consumer lending continues to push the real sector of the economy through the flow of welfare of the population, which could be spent on buying products of the real sector in favor of banks and paying interest on loans.
The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains article 281. It is called "Sabotage." Committing an explosion, arson, or other actions aimed at destroying or damaging enterprises, structures, transport infrastructure and vehicles, communications, life support facilities, the population, in order to undermine the economic security and defense capability of the Russian Federation. The punishment is imprisonment from ten to twenty years. Because don't reap where you didn't cast seeds.
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