On the air. General management guidebook for business users. Paperback.
ON THE AIR. General management guidebook for business users.
Book written by Raevskaya-Repnina.
You are holding in your hands an essential manual for everyone doing business. The book is responding to actual trends to get an MBA diploma. The guideline is divided into 12 sections - business organization, revenue, costs, core operations, IT, administrative support, finance, value management, business development, people, ethics & compliance.
Business founders, CEOs, and executives are often criticized for mistakes and problems in businesses. That stimulates them to go to business schools to get an MBA diploma, which is good from the academic perspective, hence doesn't deliver the expected results to eliminate the cause of critics - you won't learn how to manage business. At the same time, detractors themselves (yesterday's MBAs) often don't know how to organize and run a company. The same goes for business owners. There are many critics, but almost none of them created businesses spending money from their own pockets. You shouldn't have an illusion that an invitation of a young MBA from the consulting company will rescue your business, or that this "advisor" really more capable to build a better company than you can do it. Advisory firms doing another business - they sell consulting services. From the beginning of the project, you and your advisor will have contradictory goals that won't lead your project to success.
So how to organize and run your business?
Home task. Imagine if you were at the helm of an airplane in the air, without knowledge and competencies being unable to drive the plane. In this advisory case mentioned above, you and your advisor are flying in different directions on the board of the same plane. It's not possible to reach both at the same time on the same flight. So, how are you going to arrive at the destination point without advisors? How are you going to land the aircraft? What if somebody on the airplane has a health problem and requires emerging medical aid? What if somebody tries to seize the airplane? Imagine all this stuff in detail and your actions addressing that - what you will do in these situations?
This simple exercise will demonstrate to you how the leadership style of most managers and business owners looks like, especially those who have acquired companies that are already in operations - "aircraft on the air." Managing a business and building it without understanding how to do it is akin to finding yourself at the helm of a flying plane without knowing how to manage it.
Even after being graduated from a business school with an MBA degree, you will not get a working guide on what you should do with your company after completion of your study. To lead the company, and do it right to gain profit, sustainable growth, and get many other attributes associated with the measurement of business success, you need to know much more than the standard 12 books for the core MBA courses.
In this book, you will not find a lot of scientific and academic knowledge and links to impressive authoritative publications in scientific journals. When you are on the air, it's too late to study scientific articles and business fundamentals. However, in it, you can easily get comprehensive sufficient information on how to fly to reach your destination and land an aircraft: how to organize and manage your business. And certainly what you need to do on the air in all emergencies.
The scope and volume of this information are enough for you to avoid most of the traditional mistakes made by almost all leaders in companies regardless of their size or an MBA diploma.
This book will be a great help for entrepreneurs and startup founders. It outlines how to properly organize your business, build in it all working functions necessary for its existence, and how to develop them to reach your strategic destination point. This book will save you a lot of time and money. You will avoid the traditional mistakes in organizing and managing a company, as well as gain a complete understanding of "how to do it right at the first time."
For mature leaders: even you already have an MBA diploma, this book will help you to rethink significantly your leadership style and approaches to company management. As a result, you will be able to achieve qualitatively different, significantly better results and performance indicators. And save a lot of money and time.
Release 2021.
Written by Raevskaya-Repnina.
Anna Maria Serafima Raevskaya-Repnina is an entrepreneur, owner & founder of the BOOST private equity firm running the $460 bln assets portfolio, HASHEIGHT techno corporation, 2R law firm, and TURNAROUND GUIDE tailored advisory company, and more than 30 startups. Corporate turnaround expert with more than 20 years of successful track record in well-known companies, including Fortune-500. Lawyer, economist, Oxford Business Alumni, a fellow of St Hugh's College, Saïd Business School. In 2010 Raevskaya-Repnina has been accepted for the EMBA study with entry exams exemption. She has completed the study without making of "home reading", case studies, and almost without visiting the lectures.
Dynast from the royal and noble-born ruling dynasties from Russia and abroad, grand-granddaughter of Nikolay Raevsky, the Russian General, a hero of the Napoleon war of 1812, and Nikolay Repnin, Field Marschal, Imperial Russian statesman, and general from the Repnin princely family.
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