Deadly Dangerous Work
Guilty of being born
Wild animal trainers tend to be the most unsafe professions on the list. Logging workers were the top job category in the United States in 2024, with 0.0575% of them dying in the line of duty. They all suck compared to the Roman emperors, whose mortality rate was 63% and all of it was violent. But even their ratings will never come close to those of the most dangerous profession for the heirs of monarchical dynasties.
Total Amnesia
It's amazing that people still hold the belief that a monarch or nobleman is a incredibly rich man who lives in a palace and bathes in a golden bathtub. They are genuinely perplexed and ask me: 'Why do princes live like mere mortals? That's impossible!' Well, you killed almost all of them and took away all their property. And now you're telling me that a prince must live in a palace, and if he doesn't, then he's not a prince.
Zero Respect
for any authority is not the authority’s problem.
possum fate
My father was born in the family of Nikolai Mikhailovich Tolstoy and Irina Romanovna Bagration. Why did they end up in the city of Kuibyshev, Kuibyshev region of the RSFSR, with passports in the names of Mikhail Nikolaevich Shumilov and Irina Romanovna Kuznetsova? Much the same way I received a birth certificate when I was three years younger, and how my great-grandfather Hermann Goering became John Bogle, having issued his passport with a date of birth that corresponded to his official legend about the date of death. Nature has given many animals the chance to defend themselves in unique ways. One of them is trying to simulate one's own death. Pretending to be dead is not the only skill the opossum possesses. At the same time, it emits a smell, as if it has died a long time ago, so that nobody would even dare to taste it. Humans' skill at faking death to save their own lives has surpassed all possums in the world together. Of course, they do not emit smell, and the performance of imitating death may not be shown at all. However, this death simulation, seeking to save lives, played a cruel joke on many of us, leading to the exact opposite result. Rewrite your reality>>
People gave up more than just their property in order to save lives. They abandoned their personal identity, including names, surnames, patronymics, and personal data, to fictitious ones just in order to survive. It did not have any effect on anyone.
Serial Mass Regicide
People and historians believe that the brutal serial mass murders in the death camps only affected Jews, Armenians, and partially Slavs. This erroneous assumption is based on the latent nature of the murder of other social and ethnic groups committed by similar methods and the inability to comprehend the structure, substance, and motivation of the Nazi regime's operations. Society continues to view the Third Reich as a negative representation of ethnic Germans and Germany. This is the fatal error. "Those on the lookout for domestic enemies needed a target group that would be both sufficiently visible and more or less universally disliked, perceived as both all-powerful and numerically marginal so that its elimination from society would not have a major detrimental effect on the nation, both an easy target for victimization and generally accepted as the chief instigator of its persecutors' own victimhood. An enemy, that is, whose very persecution would serve to manifest the power and legitimacy of the victimizer, while simultaneously allowing the persecutor to claim the status of the "true" (past, present, and potentially future) victim." (Schneider, 2002). The criminals viewed the enemy selection as more than just a symbol of a massacre. An incorrect evaluation of the Third Reich's activities and an untrue impression that only Jews and Armenians were victims were a result of the widespread discussion and communication of the Holocaust and genocide of Armenians. That's not the case, and the drama of the genocide is misused to shift the focus of attention. Numerous categories of people were completely destroyed, leaving few heirs able to witness the terrible truth, which is the cause of the issue. First, what about Slavs? The estimated loss of the population is more than 200 mln of people just during the wars took place within the timeline of the first half of the 20th century. In the second, where are the nobles, royal dynasts, a thin slice of intelligence, and the scientific community? In the best case scenario, their ashes were mixed with cow dust in the death camps to become the holy ground for the Shiva god. It's obvious to even an idiot that Shivaism is not the official religion of Germany. But billions of normal people without any reason still record these awful crimes against Germany.
Who are Bolsheviks?
The country, which has the largest population in the world.
British India
is number 1 in the world by the population size.
Aryans are Hindus and Iranians.
404 Error
You only have knowledge of India through love, peace, joga, milk, and curry. On the world map, this country, the territory where terrorism is forged, is mistakenly considered an invisible and all-friendly reserve of healthy lifestyles, democracy, and freedom. Ignorance is the main reason why undervaluing the global affection made by this totalitarian state, which has a governmental organization based on a caste system, provides enforced sterilization to the dalits, and worships the pagan cults of the dead.
Redefine Fascism
The military aggression of criminal elements has resulted in the destruction of all monarchical dynasties over the last 300 years. These purposes saw a heavy reliance on the themes of liberty, equality, and fraternity, as well as democracy and independence. The author of this agenda is not the United States, but the former colonies of France and the British Empire, populated by the so-called carpetbaggers, criminals thirsty for quick enrichment, first of all, in British India and Africa. War is the easiest way to quickly become rich by killing people and misappropriating their territory and property. In their opinion, justice looks in this way: "take everything ans divide it" (Bulgakov, 1925). British India was no exception. In their declarations of peaceful sentiments, this consortium of powers became the author of the genocide of the First and Second World Wars, including the mass killing of people in death camps. The fate of French monarchies was also predetermined by its colonies: Africa and Polynesia. Really, next time it needs to think twice before colonizing the states of cannibals and Voodoo people. My great-grandfather, Hermann Goering, as well as my other relatives who had the right to the monarchical throne of France, French colonies, Britain, and, as a consequence, of British India, were mercilessly destroyed by means of ritual serial murders by members of one of the sects of Hinduism - the Thugs. For sure, the others participated in these crimes. We observed tsantsas, massive acts of cannibalism, voodoo dolls, and numerous more disguisting acts of murders and attempts to engage the edges of natural science with the help of hammers and nails. I am talking about these ridiculous actions to witch, impose curses, create volts, and so on. However, India has made a major impact, along with its allies, by pursuing an aggressive policy of liberating the Eurasian continent for the past 250 years, using other people's hands for these purposes. India is very careful about the growth of its population, so one should not perceive the horrors of sterilization camps as conscious population management. Hindus outside of caste, the so-called untouchables, were subjected to forced sterilization in 45 seconds without anesthesia or instruments, including with the help of bicycle pumps, on the floor of gyms, and simply on the ground. Castes are the basis of the state system in India, Britain, and the USA. The caste system lacks the concept of democracy, equality, and monarchs, as they are killed. The system of governance of a state based on caste is totalitarian, encouraging intolerance, hatred, and racial discrimination.
King can only be born
It is true that all hereditary monarchies descend from a single biological ancestor, Odin. In these dynasties, titles are passed down by descent, and the criteria include biological kinship, gender, and seniority. The first holder of the title is the biological elder son who was born in a legally binding marriage. In a legal marriage, inheritance hierarchy is determined by factors such as age, gender, relationship, and birth. When a title is acquired by birth, it cannot be renounced in any way, but only terminated upon death. Being born into a monarchical family is the only method for obtaining the titles of monarchical dynasties. Prince/princess, king/queen, crown prince/crown princess are examples of these titles. These titles are exclusive to members of the family and cannot be shared with anyone else. Being born is the only way to become a prince or king, not by appointment.
Small souvenir with a big meaning
A small dry human head was shown during the Nuremberg trials and Buchenwald death camp court hearings. This trophy has been acknowledged as a product made in concentration camps. As you probably remember, during the trials, the prosecution's position did not even try to challenge the ethnicity of the death camp personnel, which is necessary to create such a trophy. The ethnic Germans were erroneously credited with the creation of Tsantsa and other souvenirs made from human skin.
parcis are not germans
First, the death camps built during WWII were mainly located on the territories of Poland, Czech Republic, and Lithuania. The genetic explanation of murder is presented as a natural part of genetic behavior in the second part. To kill like Germans, a killer has to be genetically German or be studied by genetically Germans. I will not spend your time describing vomit-calling details of how Germans kill, because posing a question in such a way requires searching across all methods of killing that exist on the globe, not only among Germans. My explanation will be shortened by sharing the results of my discovery. Tsantsa is a disgusting trophy and a souvenir of a limited turnover that is made on the territory of Latin America, in particular, Brazil. On this continent, there are two countries that respond to the same criteria as India: population, population density, GDP trends, and income per capita: Brazil and Colombia. But Brazil has an incredibly high level of industrialization. This is at least one reason why Mexico should not be considered an offender. Therefore, I exclude this from the list of countries which can be considered as donors of serial murderers, and I do not describe their ways of killing. The specific atrocities that occurred against civilians and prisoners of war in these two countries are specific to Columbia (Guarani Tribe) and Peru. Spanish conquistadors, commonly referred to as carpetbaggers from Spain, employed the term 'caste' to describe the social classes of India. Also, Spain has a long history of unsuccessful attempts to gain the power of the royal dynasties, to which Spanish nobility never belonged. The most notable pretenders on this way were the Borja clan, which created its own military organization under the flag of the Roman Catholic Church. This family had not only an enormous addiction to sex, but also to poisoning, enriching world history with many poisonings committed to stole the legacy of genuine royal dynasties. Poisoning food was a low bar for them. They practiced exotic for-layman acts like poisoning mittens with ricin, poisoning walls in the room, and many other creative chemistry applications. Did the Dream Team of slayters and poisoners include ethnic Germans? Of course not. Their ally was British India, which has a long history of trade and political relations with Spain and its colonies in Latin America.
Before the 1917 revolution, members of monarchical dynasties died in war for their fatherland and as a result of ritual serial killings for the sake of their inheritance. After 1917, we died in the war for the homeland, from ritual serial murders for the sake of inheritance. Also, we were brutally murdered because the society of illiterate ignoramuses, guided by the foreign seekers of free from people and comfortable territory for living, decided that every cook could run the state and power was not necessary at all. Such a tempting lie for the ignorant - just the chance to take all without doing anything, just murdering and robbin' those "who drink blood of labour class'.
holy river ganges
Rivers are sacred to pagan Hindus. Many excited idiots post their impressions about things seen in Varanasi, on the Internet. More of them are being bathed in this holy brown liquid that contains industrial poisons, corpses, human remains, and fecal matter. According to Indian beliefs, the origin of this river is from Heaven. You can easily imagine how Heaven looks according to Hinduism. Anyway, this toxic brown holy liquid gave the fascists the lucky color and the 'river' names to the most revered terrorists: Lenin, Irtyshov, and Angara Maniac.
Encourage the energy and mass character of terror.
Vladimir Lenin.
Massacre in Pyatigorsk
In 1918, the Indian Diwali festival, which starts on October 19th, was opened by a ritual sacrifice in the form of a massacre in Pyatigorsk. The method of murder has been chosen to symbolise the execution of it by Kali goddess: by cutting arms, heads, legs.
Security officers and Red Army soldiers in Pyatigorsk carried out the execution of more than 100 hostages, many of them representatives of the highest generals and members of the government of the former Russian Empire. Contrary to popular belief, those who were condemned to death were not shot, but rather chopped with swords and mocked. Despite the presence of many notable individuals among the hostages, the Soviet authorities had no interest in them as potential military experts. Thus, even before the release of the order of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, the former ministers of railways and justice Sergei Rukhlov and Nikolai Dobrovolsky, the prince brothers Vladimir and Leonty Shakhovsky, Lieutenant General Prince Alexander Bagration-Mukhransky, rear admiral, during the First World War - chief of the Naval General Staff, Count Alexey Kapnist and many others were brutally murdered. With rare exceptions, members of the list of hostages from 59 names had military ranks no lower than colonel. People who were doomed to death but who were not yet aware of it were placed in the Novovikolaevskaya hotel in Pyatigorsk, which was nicknamed the 'concentration camp' by the Red Army soldiers. Due to the cramped conditions and broken windows in unheated rooms, some of the prisoners were overcaged and died. The guards constantly abused their prisoners. Another place for imprisonment in Pyatigorsk was the basement of the Cheka in house No. 31 on Ermolovsky Prospekt, nicknamed the “pit.” One of the favorite types of mockery of generals and colonels who fell into the “pit” was forced labor to clean the yard and latrines without the help of any auxiliary means, shovels, brooms or rags. The warden of this place reiterated that all those arrested must be alternately placed in boiling and cold water. On the evening of Diwali Fest, the commander of the punitive detachment, which consisted of mounted sailors and was called the “death battalion,” ordered the hostages to be taken from Novonikolaevskaya to the street. In light rain and thick fog, they were taken to the Cheka building: there the prisoners were called one by one into a room where their clothes were removed, and their hands twisted behind their backs were tightly tied with thin wire (many bodies were found in this position by the Special Commission). The path carried on to the outskirts of the city and eventually ended at the foot of Mashuk, where the cemetery was situated. The main crowd was left to wait at the gate. Everyone was instructed to strip naked at the edge of the grave. General Ruzsky, who was in the first group of those sentenced, began to say that free citizens were being led to death for some unknown reason. He had served honestly all his life, rose to the rank of general, and now had to endure humiliation from his own Russians. Following that, he was hit with the butt of a gun and told to keep quiet. I killed Ruzsky myself after he answered my question about whether he now recognizes the great Russian Revolution: 'I see only one great robbery.' I hit Ruzsky with a very sharp dagger and then hit him on the neck. Stalin's favorite said, 'I hit Ruzsky on the hand with this dagger, and with a second blow on the neck.' The remaining victims were directed to kneel and straighten their necks. According to the conclusion of the Special Commission, the executioners were inept and could not kill with one blow. Each hostage was hit five times or even more.
The darkness hindered inaccuracy. Only one sailor cut skillfully, and the doomed asked him to deal the fatal blow to them. Some groaned, but most died silently. The execution lasted from approximately 11 pm until late at night. For each person executed, the criminals were paid 10 rubles. The Bolsheviks ended the remaining hostages one day after, celebrating the murder for several days in the row. The next morning, the groans of people buried alive were heard from the grave. As caretaker Obrezov testified during the investigation, one half-baked hostage looked out from one hole, leaning on his hands, begging to be pulled out from under the brutally dead bodies and given water. They threw earth at him. The identification of this man was established by comparing the story with the data obtained during the grave excavation on January 24th, 1919. It was an assassinated priest John Ryabukhin. His body was found in a sitting position with his arms raised, as if he was trying to get out.
Criminologists were able to establish the exact picture of the execution: at the edge of the pit, the heads and necks of the condemned were being cut down and the graves were being randomly thrown over by the dead and dying. In relation to individual corpses, medical experts came to the conclusion that they were beaten with blunt weapons before death, and in some cases mutilations were inflicted, such as noses being cut off, teeth knocked out, and stomachs being ripped open. The same method of murder in the pit was replicated later in gas chambers during the WWII. After the opening of the "shower room," the corpses represented together the similar picture - a pile of bodies intertwined in agony, pressing against each other.
The history of revolutionary Russia is not only our glorious past. To be precise, it's more than a glorious past. This is an inexhaustible positive resource, without which it is impossible to form a full-fledged national-patriotic self-awareness, and it is unthinkable to raise a socially active individual with developed social interests and a heightened sense of justice.
Doctor of philosophical science, Professor A.V. Vorontsov. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor F.Z. Khodyachiy. Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
Holy Red
Favorite Indian colour of the highest caste, which is applied for important religious ceremonies.
French Revolution
Starting on February 22, Vijaya Ekadashi, Indian Mother's Day was celebrated by beheading the Queen Mother Marie Antoinette.
Revolution of 1917
The revolution began on the festival of lights in India, Diwali. A year later, it was celebrated with the Pyatigorsk massacre. But the decree on the Red Terror was signed on another famous holiday - Indian Teacher's Day, September 5, 1918.
The Aryan army's advance on Russia began on the glorious Indian holiday of Vat Purnima. During the war, the dates of key battles and particularly large-scale massacres were planned according to the calendar of Indian holidays. The famous Erntfest in Majdanek was celebrated in honor of the movable festival of lights, Diwali.
Culture Revolution
In China, the Red Guards carried out the same tasks as in the death camps of World War I and II, and later in the sterilization camps of India. The key events of the Great Cultural Revolution in China were those that took place on the dates of major Indian holidays. For example, the extermination of dogs began on the date of the signing of the decree - the Shekhawati festival. The celebration led to the almost complete extermination of the Shar Pei dog breed.
Great Culture Revolution
The destruction of books before the start of World War II in Germany was not the only episode in the series. During the "Cultural Revolution" in China, bookstores were closed, books were destroyed. Only one book was allowed to be sold - a book of Mao's quotations. One of the editions was released in a hard red plastic cover. This was done so that the blood would not be visible. Such quotation books were used to beat people to death, beating them on the lips to "knock out the bourgeois poison."
The word is the commander of human power.
Vladimir Mayakovskiy.
Red terror
On September 5, 1918, which is the Indian fest "Teacher's day," the Bolsheviks' government issued the decree 'On the Red Terror,' which effectively legalized extrajudicial executions of "opponents of Soviet power" - the legal power of the Russian Empire. More than 2 million people, including hereditary princes, nobles, and intellectuals, died during the flywheel of the repressive apparatus, which began to work at full power.
The document granted security officers exclusive powers to shoot people 'involved with White Guard organizations, conspiracies, and rebellions. It is necessary to protect the Soviet Republic from class enemies by isolating them in concentration camps,' as stated by the Council of People's Commissars resolution. In other words, undesirable persons were officially allowed to be liquidated without trial or investigation - only on suspicion of involvement in an organization that the Soviet leadership defined as an enemy. Spies, saboteurs, and other counter-revolutionaries were officially outlawed. Terror became the main state policy. In fact, the decree “On the Red Terror” restored not only the death penalty in the country, which the Bolsheviks themselves abolished on October 28, 1917. The decree cancelled the need for court trials and justice to prosecute someone for the death penalty. Arbitrary arrests, imprisonments, and murders of princes, counts, ministers of the tsarist and Provisional governments, generals and other “class alien elements” became commonplace. By dealing with these people, the Bolsheviks “revenged” the death of their comrades.
Among the victims of the Red Terror who were shot, hacked to death, stabbed or torn to pieces were such famous figures of pre-revolutionary Russia as the poet Nikolai Gumilyov (executed in 1921), the historian Andrei Vyazigin, the Slavic philologist Timofey Florinsky and many others. For the mass murders, the favorite sacrifiction Indian methods were used: suffocation, drowning, burning alive. You will recognize them easily - they were also used in the death camps of World War 2. During this time, a method of mass execution was developed by drowning people in barges. To avoid wasting ammunition, prisoners were burned alive in the furnaces of locomotives. Often the security officers disguised a banal robbery as a “fight against the bourgeoisie,” and then got rid of unnecessary witnesses. The case quickly took on such a scale that killings without proof of guilt were already prohibited on November 8. General Fyodor Rerberg, who headed Denikin’s Special Commission of Inquiry to investigate the atrocities of the Bolsheviks, described what he saw in Kyiv liberated in August 1919: “The entire cement floor of the large garage was covered in several inches of blood, mixed, in a horrific mass with brains, cranial bones, tufts of hair and other human remains. All the walls were spattered with blood; brain particles and pieces of scalp were stuck to them next to thousands of bullet holes.” Men were screwed to the floor with screws, women were skinned on their arms and legs, simulating gloves and stockings. In total, the commission discovered 4,800 corpses of executed people in the city. Grand Dukes Pavel Alexandrovich (the sixth son of Emperor Alexander II), Georgy Mikhailovich, Nikolai Mikhailovich, Dmitry Konstantinovich were executed in Petropavlovka. “We are exterminating unnecessary classes of people,” wrote a prominent member of the Cheka board, Martyn Latsis, according to whose decree the above-mentioned members of the imperial family were killed. "During the investigation, do not search for materials and evidence that indicate the accused acted in word or deed against the Soviets. The first question is to what class does he belong, what is his origin, upbringing, education or profession. These questions should determine the fate of the accused. This is the meaning and essence of the Red Terror.” 30 years later, the same statement will be declared on Nuremberg Trials, with regards to my great-grandfather and great uncle.
30 estates near Moscow that you should visit. A trip to an estate is a dying genre of weekend travel. Meanwhile, in the Moscow region, about 200 noble estates and Soviet dachas have survived, which generally performed one function - to receive and delight guests from the city.
Tinkoff Magazine.
desecreation of Leo Tolstoy's Grave and burning his house
In November 1917, all classes, ranks, and civil ranks were abolished in Russia. However, the universal equality achieved in the first days of the revolution turned into a wave of violence against nobles. Seizure of landowners' lands, destruction of noble estates, and confiscations on a 'legal' basis escalated into hostage-taking and mass executions. The seizure of landowners' lands and the destruction of noble estates began throughout March-April 1917. It's clear that there was no legal basis for these peasants' actions. Almost every aspect, including the right to life, was violated by landowners. Thus, in the Ranenburg district of the Ryazan province, by the beginning of field work, the bulk of the landowners' estates had been swept away. When destroying estates, peasants did not hesitate to resort to physical violence if the owners resisted. Murders of local nobles were unmotivated and unprovoked, and landowners' family members were subjected to violence. The peasants explained the destruction and senseless burning of landowners' estates with one goal: “so that they have nowhere to return... so that they are not here at all.” In the summer of 1917, there were about 2 thousand registered protests related to the violation of the rights of landowners and land regulations. Landownership was the subject of a real war that broke out in the fall of this year. Land seizures and destruction of noble estates covered the entire Black Earth center, the Volga region, Smolensk, Kaluga, Tula, Ryazan, and Moscow provinces. From September 1 to October 20, more than 5 thousand protests against landowners were registered. Spontaneous actions in violation of the rights of nobles sometimes took organized forms, remaining generally illegal. Thus, on September 11, the Tambov Peasant Council decided to transfer “all landowner farms to the disposal of local Soviets.” Along with the land, economic property was also subject to confiscation. On September 28, 1917, the congress of peasant deputies of the Efremov district of the Tula province passed a resolution on the transfer of “privately owned farms to the disposal of land committees and peasant societies. The refusal of the landowners to carry out the will of the peasants caused destruction and arson of the landowners' estates - they began on October 4, 1917. Over the course of a month, 51 estates were destroyed and plundered in the district. Some political parties: Bolsheviks, anarchists, left Socialist-Revolutionaries and Socialist-Revolutionaries-Maximalists supported the occupational peasant movement. They called it a struggle against “the remnants of serfdom and feudalism.” However, local peasants did not make a distinction between landowner farms run according to the old labor system and advanced landowner economies organized along capitalist lines. As a result, almost all cultural farms of great value that used the most advanced methods and technologies perished. Many libraries, art collections, collections of paintings and sculptures were stolen or destroyed in noble estates. The estates of those nobles who shared populist pro-peasant views and did a lot for public education, as well as the spread of advanced culture “in the lower classes,” also suffered. The estate of Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana was burned and his grave was desecrated.
We visited the museum in August 2022. The place is, of course, amazing and very beautiful. The guide spoke interestingly and enthusiastically about the history of the estate and Tolstoy’s family. It was felt that he knew and loved his job. The nature of the park is unique, there are centuries-old oak trees that remember Leo Tolstoy, but well, that the young trees in the park are being replanted. The fields and the park seem to have stepped out of the pages of Tolstoy’s novels. Special thanks to the museum workers for preserving the atmosphere of the 19th century in the Tolstoy memorial house: only authentic things, silence and a ban on photography and video shooting. All kinds of smartphones and screens distract and interfere with visitors.
Customer's Review. Museum "Yasnaya Polyana."
desecreation of Prince roman bagration's grave
One of the main heroes of the Patriotic War with Napoleon, General Pyotr Bagration, died on September 12, 1812 from the consequences of a leg wound received on the Borodino field. The posthumous fate of the remains of the great commander turned out to be no less dramatic than the circumstances of his death. Bagration, who died at the age of 46, did not have time to make any orders for his burial. Therefore, the chief of the main headquarters of the Second Western Army, Adjutant General Emmanuel Saint-Prix, laid the body of his chief in the crypt of the Church of the Epiphany in the village of Sima, Vladimir province. The first reburial of Bagration’s ashes took place in 1839 on the initiative of the “hussar poet” Denis Davydov, who served as Bagration’s adjutant. The project was supported by Emperor Nicholas I. The funeral cortege under the command of Colonel Zakhar Kensky left Sima on July 5, 1839 and reached the Borodino field in 17 days. On August 26, in the presence of the sovereign and a 120,000-strong army, Bagration’s coffin was placed in an underground crypt on the Raevsky battery, on the eastern side of the Main Monument. The remains of the commander rested at a depth of about one and a half meters, in three sarcophagi. The top of the grave was covered with a bronze slab, cast from captured guns, and a lattice surrounded it around the perimeter. After the October Revolution, General Bagration was “thrown off the ship of modernity.” But the grave of the forgotten hero would have existed to this day if in 1932 Moscow officials had not received a control task from the regional financial department to collect 200 tons of ferrous metal. In search of resources, the authorities turned their attention to the Borodino monument - a valuable, in their understanding, source of cast iron. The initiator of the dismantling of the monument was the chairman of the Moscow City Control Commission of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Nikolai Filatov. As Lyudmila Fisenko, an employee of the Borodino Field Museum, found out, on April 25, 1932, the Architectural Restoration Commission of one of the departments of the People's Commissariat for Education gave the following conclusion: “In view of the fact that the Raevsky monument has no historical and artistic significance, there is no objection to its dismantling.” The monument was blown up, and the metal was sold to Rudmetalltorg for 6,000 rubles, thereby exceeding the plan. During the “operation” Bagration’s crypt was also seriously damaged. The Bolsheviks did not have a “love for the coffins of their fathers,” so the workers hung the uniform of the “tsar’s satrap” on the fence of the monument, and simply threw away his remains. A few years later, Stalin's domestic policy shifted towards a partial rehabilitation of imperial values. The pit at the explosion site was “refined.” And in 1938, the newspaper Pravda published a feuilleton “Tell me, Uncle,” which touched on the events of 1932. The head of the museum department of the People's Commissariat for Education, Viktor Radus-Zenkovich, who opposed the restoration of the monument to Bagration, was sharply criticized. “Is it worth popularizing this general?! Put up a slab, but the monument will be of no use,” Radus-Zenkovich told the director of the Borodino Museum. As a result, an obelisk was erected at the site of the former burial, which misled visitors to the Borodino field with the inscription “Bagration rests here.” The monument was not damaged during the German occupation. In 1962, this “tombstone” was reconstructed without archaeological work. In 1986, archaeologist Evgeny Morev from the architectural and restoration workshop No. 5 of the Spetsproektrestavratsiya institute began excavations at the site of Bagration’s blown-up grave. It is symbolic that in the immediate vicinity of the general’s crypt, the remains of Red Army soldiers buried during the Battle of Moscow in 1941-1942 were found. And in the ground, objects from Bagration’s grave were unexpectedly discovered: scraps of a uniform. The adornment contains braided fringe and edging from an epaulet, lace from the Order of Anna star, a piece of leather from a shoe, and three buttons with traces of gold. The main find was a handful of the remains of the general himself - a total of 65 fragments. Their list is given in an article by historian Dmitry Solovyov: “eight partially fragmented bones of the feet and toes, three fragments of femur and pelvic bones, 12 fragments of ribs, one fragment of the ulna, five fragments of long bones of the wrist joint, several fragments of hands and fingers, five unidentifiable fragments of articular surfaces, 16 small skull plates, two teeth" (quoted from the Military Historical Journal). Pieces of the general's hair have also been preserved, which may be useful in DNA analysis in the future. Bagration's ashes fit in two palms. For some time, Morev carried these remains in his backpack. Since the authorities had nothing to “boast” of, Bagration’s reburial ceremony was held on August 18, 1987 without much publicity. In 1987, shortly before the opening of the main monument, it was decided to return the collected bone fragments to the grave. They fit into a silk bag, which was placed in the coffin.
Choose the right answer. In the Panorama Museum "Battle of Borodino" you will see many portraits of Russian generals who participated in the Patriotic War of 1812. All of them were repeatedly awarded for excellence in service and on the battlefield. 1) Peter I; 2) Paul I; 3) Yaroslav the Wise; 4) Ivan the Terrible.
Questionnaire, the Museum of the Battle of Borodino.
We see what you think
For centuries, people have used symbols and images as a language to communicate complicated messages, often using rituals as the whole message. The ability to write and read messages to a certain degree is defined by your genes. However, to be capable of reading visual-spatial language, you need not only to be genetically talented. According to Winston, knowledge and practice define 99% of your success, while only 1% of input is making by your talent. The two main symbols of the 3rd Reich, the Flying Eagle and Swastika, are both related to India and its distinctive ethnicity, Parcians. You easily recognize this phenotype: Josef Mengele, Michael Khodorkovsky, Steve Jobs, and Freddy Mercury. The ally of India was the country sharing the same ethnicity - Arians, who were living on the territory of India and Iran. The Germans didn't even stay within close proximity to them.
dragon hostage
The tradition of criminal activity related to these crime series implies that the victims are accused of a crime committed against them. I have observed this on a gazillion examples, and in this context, I want to express my position about China. For decades, the notion of a threat from China has been widely disseminated throughout society as a real threat. I am not in agreement with this, and believe that China is a victim, just like Russia and other countries that have been affected by genocide policies. China does not meet the criteria of population and economic dynamics, which offenders demonstrate, and has suffered similar terrorist activities to Russia and other genocide victims. And what is very notable, these crimes against the Chinese population were committed on the dates of Indian festivals. On the same dates, other crimes of a similar kind were committed in Russia and France, including mass murders and military operations during WWII, and loud terrorist acts. Thus, the atrocities, mass burning, and mass murders were undertaken predominantly on the dates of Indian festivals. During the dates of Indian festivals, genocide crime series was committed against the Chinese population. I think that it clearly identifies the message's content and the offender in this case. I would not be mistaken in saying: 'This is not China.'
Why did you kill us?
Arian Karmasutra.
The threat to humanity.
I was a queen, and you took away my crown; a wife, and you killed my husband; a mother, and you deprived me of my children. My blood alone remains: take it, but do not make me suffer long.
Maria Antoinetta.
The cult of dead
Do you still attend yoga classes or follow Ayurveda? These activities are far from innocent and are not health programs, but independent religious practices of Hinduism. I'm not surprised by your affection for visiting the estates and palaces of my murdered family, where you now spend your holiday and weddings. As you may have understood from what was written on my site and the BOOST site, India is the main initiator of military aggression and serial murder. If you pay attention, India has a pagan religion in which the gods have blue skin. The same skin color was observed in victims killed in gas chambers with Zyklon B or in the so-called 'soul killer' (Dushegubka). This color is caused by the appearance of carboxyhemoglobin or methemoglobin in the skin during poisoning with cyanides or carbon monoxide. The sacrifice of millions of people symbolized many things, but one of them was the transformation of lower beings into divine ones. According to the Hindus, by killing people in this way they showed them great mercy and created holy rescued people. However, the Indian gods are painted blue not because they drink hydrocyanic acid in the morning instead of coffee. They are depicted blue because they are corpses. In the Indian religion, all gods are dead. India worships corpses. This is the explanation of total necrophilia.
Greed, envy, lust, vanity, pride, anger, and gluttony guide you when you evaluate the monarch and any representative of power. Authority is not something you respect, regardless of its nature. Your current situation and place in society are perceived as unfair by you. A person commits murder easily to restore "justice." The assassination of the monarch resulted in the declaration of his property as a national treasure. And after a certain time, the slain monarch may even be given respect and honor, and his person will be considered as a compatriot who left a legacy that you are proud of and consider yours. Nobody left you anything. You killed everyone. You stole someone else's property, and now you shed tears of tenderness, how nice it is in the Leo Tolstoy museum "Yasnaya Polyana," or how nice it is to walk around the Hermitage, admiring the portraits of the monarchs you killed. You are necrophiliacs. You like to keep the property of the people you killed. Necrophilic perverts return to the scene of a murder to perform sexual intercourse with the victim's corpse. Likewise, you constantly come to other people’s palaces, estates, houses, admire other people’s things and portraits again and again, committing an act of desecration of other people’s property and the memory of the people you killed.