3rd Reich
When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.
Kamala Harris.
What is it
For decades, the 3rd Reich was described in the literature like Nazi Germany (Third Reich, German Das Dritte Reich) is a German state during the Nazi regime beneath the totalitarian dictatorship of the NSDAP from 1933-1945. The officially declared goal of the 3rd Reich and the backbone of the Nazi regime was National Socialism, which formally announced as its goal the creation and establishment of a racially pure Aryan state on a vast territory, which has everything necessary for a prosperous existence for an indefinitely long time. The 3rd Reich existed in the form of political, financial, public, and criminal organizations, and various state institutions under the management of persons controlled by the 3rd Reich due to business or related hierarchical relationships.
Mass Extermination
The 3rd Reich in 1933-1945 pursued the most brutal domestic and foreign policy, including the persecution and mass destruction with particular cruelty of representatives of various ethnic and social groups (e.g., royal dynasts, nobles, intelligence, Soviet prisoners of war, Slavs, Poles, Jews, gypsies, sick, disabled, aged people, children). However, mass extermination on social and national grounds was carried out by the 3rd Reich long before the start of hostilities formally went down in history as the 2nd World War. Only at the beginning of the 20th century, during the 3rd Reich inhumanly exterminated on the territory of Turkey, Austria-Hungary, the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Ukraine, and Russia, millions of Slavs, Jews, Armenians, as well as persons of noble origin. The latter were destroyed because, under the law, in relation to the leaders and beneficiaries of the 3rd Reich, they had priority rights and priority for titles and property. These titles and properties belonged to the dynasties in the territories that the 3rd Reich planned to consolidate into an ideal flourishing Arian country for immortals. This activity of the 3rd Reich and its legal predecessors was inscribed in history as the Armenian genocide, the genocide in Austria-Hungary and Galicia, the genocide in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the Red Terror, and the Great Terror. The first episodes of the consolidation of the territories of Eurasia using similar methods - extermination on a religious and social basis, illegal acquisition of property rights and associated titles - entered the history of Russia as unrest, church schism, and the extermination of the Old Believers, wars with the Golden Horde, the era of palace coups, which led to gaining control over the administration of the territory of Russia, Ukraine, and Europe by the descendants of one dynasty, whose roots grow from the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire and Ynglings, historically fighting against rulers of Russia. They entered into closely related marriages, allowing only a small number of third parties into their inbred relations, who, by definition, did not have priority for inheritance due to the lack their attribution to ancient eminent respected families.
Find hope, healing and community
Mass extermination which was consistently applied by the 3rd Reich is not an only result of dynastic ambitions. It was the synthesis of religious beliefs, explained by the origin of Nazis. They followed the Old Norse cosmology, distinctive pagan cults, marginal Christianity, Babylonian cults, and finally attempted to follow their genetically explained behavior fighting against sins, trying to satisfy various gods, and execute the God's will based on their understanding of the Moses' Pentateuch and prophets. The consequences we can easily observe in the methods of mass killings, military operations, onomastics, tropes of Nazis' slang, and many other very specific traits observed case by case in every serial crime committed by Nazis.
We will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues…and to work together as we continue to work, operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements, that we will convene to work together...we will work on this together.
Kamala Harris.
Embrace Grace
The 3rd Reich did not conduct an aggressive war and maintenance of a criminal organization at the expense of its financial resources. The Reich received money for the war and the creation of the corporation of immortality by extracting them from organizing handmade financial crises, looting, nationalization, expropriation of assets, theft, murders, and robberies, not disdaining to rob their victims to the last thread. It is enough to look at hundreds of pairs of shoes, glasses, utensils, and other things taken from those who came to death in Auschwitz-Birkenau, which are still kept in the museum of this death camp. One of the most famous crises that provided money for the transformation of the 3rd Reich into the modern operating model of the NSDAP was Black Tuesday in 1929. It brought the first "equity" for the 3rd Reich and continued to bring in a systematic and regular income even later, after gaining control of depreciated companies and consolidating markets. Having created the NSDAP and launched the war machine, in 1939, Nazi Germany began the Second World War, during which tens of millions of people died. The exact number of victims is still unknown due to the destruction of traces of war crimes and evidence of their commission. In 1945, as a result of the defeat of the Soviet Union and its allies, Nazi Germany formally announced its surrender and cessation of its existence, then reorganized and continued its activities.
Study Slanguage
In criminal jargon, money is called "air." In China, a space harmonized according to Feng Shui allows the house and its owners to breathe - Qi, the heavenly breath, flows freely into such a room. In a ritual crime, there is no such thing as only an impact on the physical body. Financial strangulation, and ritual strangulation through a specific real estate layout are also integral components of the crime.
Embrace Community
After the official announcement of the end of the 2nd World War, almost all participants in the crimes committed by the 3rd Reich escaped any responsibility for cruel crimes, including mass serial atrocities. The vast majority of Nazis did not fall into the hands of justice. Thus, in several Axis countries, e.g., Japan, the Nazis whose crimes brought benefits to the Axis countries were not subject to the prosecution. Numerous crimes preceding the war of aggression and carried out within the framework of the same criminal plan, including the receipt of funds to finance the aggressive war launched by the 3rd Reich from the beginning of the 20th century, were not charged at all to anyone, were not criminalized, and punishments for them not discussed. No need to mention the systematic serial acts of regicide that preceded them, the deprivation of holders of titles and rights, military operations, the destruction of archives and documentary evidence of the rights of states, the territories, and associated assets of which the 3rd Reich planned to integrate into its ideal immortal state. In particular, these are the infamous Moscow fires, the war of 1812, and the burning of churches along with archives and parish registers in the era of church schism and Red Terror.
Souls' CAtchers
Almost without exception, the top of the 3rd Reich and persons who held a high position in it, who went down in history as the perpetrators of especially aggravated brutal murders and especially grave crimes, escaped responsibility and are still at large, continuing to implement the strategy of the 3rd Reich. After the formally announced death of Adolf Hitler, his powers passed to Hermann Göring, under whose leadership the 3rd Reich continued to implement the Ost, Oldenburg (also known as Green Folder of Göring), and other strategic initiatives of Nazi Germany. However, his rights were misappropriated by the initiators of the aggression, and Hermann Göring was sentenced to death mainly for two reasons: as the hereditary monarch of British India and as the legal successor of Adolf Hitler. The murderers misappropriated both property packages at a time through the death penalty intended to be executed against Hermann Göring.
All Are welcomed
Hermann Göring's participation in the 3rd Reich is simply justified. As a hereditary monarch, he was empowered to pretend to rule the territory of Russia as well, regardless of the illegal severance of power by Cosa Nostra to the benefit of India. The end of the 19th century allowed the Romanov family to come into power, led by Nicholas II who was in cooperation with Hermann Göring. As a result, Nicholas II performed the actions needed to recover the property of Carlovingians after the WWI. The revolution of 1917 was the same series of crimes as WWII. It is clear that Cosa Nostra was the executor and the accused. This is the classic business model of Cosa Nostra, which was applied, particularly in 1918, allowing it to escape the family of Nicholas II. After WWII, the families of the Carlovingians and Nicholas II made a dynastic marriage between Edda Göring and Alexey Romanov, which resulted in the birth of Tatijana Romanova in 1952.
All Are Loved
The dynastic marriage concluded between Edda Göring, Crown Princess of Germany, England and Holland, to Alexei Romanov, Crown Prince of the Russian Empire, took place for two reasons. The Carolingians and Inglings, namely these dynasties were imagined by Göring, regained their right to the throne of Russia without war, after 400 years of conflict, and Hermann Göring saved his life. Cosa Nostra, in turn, received the first ever marriage to a monarch of an incredibly large caliber, which could not have happened under any other circumstances. This completely changed the status quo of both sides. Under other circumstances, the marriage between the Inglings and Borja would never have taken place. However, Borja is Borja, and India is India. The former are killed out of habit, and the second continue to rave about the status of the queen of the world. In addition, the Nuremberg Trials prevented the entire Göring family from reuniting after his resurrection in Mexico and then in El Paso. But despite this, Göring has one biological and legitimate heir, this is his only granddaughter, a daughter from the marriage of Tatiana Alekseevna Romanova and Sergei Nikolaevich Tolstoy. The marriage of Cosa Nostra and the Inglings with Gediminid and Rurikids restored the hierarchy of genotypes, in which there is simply no place for chromosomal aberrations of the Roman Catholic Church.
Home Spiritual Home
Göring was not the only who escaped death. In exchange for hereditary rights, Irma Grese and Rudolph Heß saved their lives. Others emigrated to the territory of North and South America - Hermine Brausteiner, Ilse Koch, and many other persons who escaped any responsibility for the crimes truly committed. The criminal activities of these individuals continued after transforming them into a new organizational form - a mega-corporation created at the expense of the gold of the 3rd Reich and consolidating the right to own the giant financial organizations and enterprises of the real sector at costs of these funds. The injection of funds into the economy to gain control over these states was carried out with the help of criminal organizations controlled by the 3rd Reich - the drug cartels of Sinaloa, Los Zetas, CJNG, Cali, the Medellin cartel, and others. The management of the share price, public markets, and the value of non-public assets for consolidation at floor prices, which allowed the Reich to buy more for less money, was carried out with the help of controlled terrorist organizations, media corporations (including Internet companies), financial institutions, and organized crime, which solved local tasks for the 3rd Reich using the help of the local population. The Reich motto - more income, fewer expenses - was consistently applied not only to the usual business. This was reflected in two operating principles: victims shall pay for their killing, and the victim shall be accused of crimes committed against themselves. It marked the transformation of the corporation of immortality into criminal entrepreneurship, where capitalization is carried out not of the regular business models but of the art of extracting maximum income by committing crimes at a minimal cost, preferably paid by the victim. Without exception, all nominally "business" companies and criminal organizations of the 3rd Reich had very notable distinctions that are repeated almost without change from case to case that they cannot be overlooked.
Hope for hurting
According to the estimates, the headcount of the army of Germany and its allies in the Second World War was more than 40 million people, not counting collaborators. At the same time, no more than 1000 people appeared before the court during the post-war trials, including Nurnberg, and court hearings in death camps. During the time of the parodies of justice under the guise of the Nüremberg, Tokyo, Shanghai, and Khabarovsk trials, and trials in death camps, the Nazis got the right to judge themselves based on the principle of the court of chivalry. The Nazis in prisons were waiting for the court resolution under the control of the same Nazis. As a result, according to our statistics calculated based on the open data, for the brutal monstrous massacre of more than 100 million people, death sentences against the mad mass murderers were imposed on less than 0,000002%. As the case of Albert Herring, Adolf Hitler, and Josef Gebbele shows, the true criminals never were even the subject of accusation, they all escaped the prosecution. ​
Healing for the broken
The captured "Nazis," including Göring - the number two after Hitler in Reich, imitated the deaths and evaporated with the help of the court of chivalry. The reason was quite clear. Nobody of those accused with the help of court of chivalry participated in crime commissioning. Their prosecution was organized in purpose to misappropriate their property and dynastic rights, particularly with regards to the British India. They all were sentenced to ritual suffocation through hanging, followed by misappropriation of their assets. The concept of the court of chivalry allowed them to survive. The genuine dynasts saved their lives, escaping death, and migrated to the US, the territories of former British colonies. Madeleine Albright (aka Irma Grese), John Bogle (aka Hermann Göring), and Nancy Pelosi (aka Ilse Koch) are examples of this.
The Ideal Storm
While the genuine dynasts were innocently sentenced to death and escaped using the courts of chivalry, the genuine criminals remained free. The people who committed the murders in fact, did not meet the court at all, and still be unpunished until now. Those who faced the parody of justice, the trial to decriminalize serial mass murders, were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment, including ridiculous ones, such as 13 months. After this, they were released ahead of schedule, including for good behavior, received a pension, and a quiet old age in a boarding house at public expense. But those who entirely escaped even a mentioning as a part of the WWII crimes, after 1946 became a part of the complete roll out of the military aggression after the end of pilot project: Culture Revolution in China, Dalits' sterilization camps in India, and Rainhard operation on the territories of the USA, Russia, and Great Britain.
Strength for the Weary
As a result, after the formal announcement of the end of the 2nd World War, almost all the Nazis collectively killed more than 100 million people only in the period of the 20th century, just came back home, where they are in the freedom without hindrance. The werewolves continue their ongoing activities with new passports, names, and faces, using standard methods of changing the appearance to prevent the investigation and disclosure of current and past crimes committed in the interests of the 3rd Reich. A few war criminals of Nazi Germany were convicted in several trials, but there is no evidence to support the actual execution of sentences in cases even where the criminals were sentenced to the death penalty. Known as the most important trial in history, the Nurnberg Trial of the German war criminals, the top leaders of fascists, took place in 1945-1946. However, the prosecution of natural murderers was not heard about.
For the L.O.S.T.
First, Nurnbeth trials and death camps hearings were executed by persons included in the structure of the 3rd Reich or associated with it by close personal, family, and business ties. To hide the actual circumstances of the Nüremberg Tribunal, the 3rd Reich used the military propaganda machine familiar to it - hundreds of demonstration films were shot, and thousands of articles and books were written, which turned out to be in fact the only significant consequences of the Nuremberg Trials - attracting public attention and misleading the public that the criminals were punished and justice prevailed. The true criminals never appeared in court for the hearings dedicated to their crimes, while innocent people were prosecuted and sentenced to death. Even court of chivalry allowed innocent to escape, they all went through the civil death, name change, and quantum life, staying dead according to the documents, and alive in reality.
Safe Place to Heal
The current activity of the reincarnated is the execution of the "Ost" plan by the 3rd Reich with the help of the same collaborators and the same Axis countries, with the involvement of the same personalities who survived plastic surgery and changed their passports. Now the 3rd Reich presents to the general public the continuation of the 2nd World War by the 3rd Reich using its' own media and technology companies controlled by fascists. It engages the same military propaganda machine that worked 120 years ago from the beginning of the 20th century as "Russia's military aggression against Ukraine." It is one more masterpiece of fascists' propaganda, like previously filmed Hitler's propaganda template "Furher gave the Jews a city" about the death camp Theresienstadt. Throughout its history, the 3rd Reich has not changed its methods, and over the past 100 years, it has not even changed the people in its organization.
Overcome Your Struggles
​The historical, economic, and political phenomenon of the 3rd Reich was born in the era of the Holy Roman Empire, and one of the first events of the crimes recorded in its piggy bank was the condemnation and crucifixion of the innocent Jesus Christ, the son of David, followed by the burning of Jerusalem, mass extermination of Jews (later replicated in the middle of 20th century in the 3rd Reich Death Camps), and destruction of the Second Temple. Since that time, the 3rd Reich has mutated in form, staying the same by nature. Taken on different shapes, its essence has remained unchanged - the desire to obtain immortality, endless political influence, and total control over all economic benefits by capitalizing on human vices and sins. One of the tools of the Reich was an attempt to recreate the Holy Roman Empire and restore its power. The ambitions of the 3rd Reich were based on dynastic and religious aspirations, considering the specifics of the development of the dynasties of noble origin included in its structure. Later, the core operational organization of the 3rd Reich, which is the nominal beneficial owner of all the property of the Reich, received its direct name identifying it with the corresponding characters of religious themes, directly describing the essence of the thinking and strategy of the Reich - a leviathan, monetizing envy, and human vices, absorbing into itself all objects of the material world. The 3rd Reich named its' organizations by their direct names quite straightforwardly, identifying their substance and the meaning behind it with the tasks performed in the Reich.
Find your way back
World War II was not an isolated event. In fact, it was a direct continuation of the policy of the 3rd Reich to gain control over the entire territory of the Eurasian mainland and other territories, which the 3rd Reich pursued in an explicit form on the territory of Eurasia starting from the 7th century AD: North America and Eurasia. These actions were not just wars. They included dynastic marriages, serial regicides, inciting religious hatred, ethnic terrorism with extermination on racial, national, and social grounds, handmade state and financial crises, and other events that brought the 3rd Reich not only forward movement towards the intended political goals, but as well as obvious material benefits in the form of obtaining control over territories, property, businesses, funds, and other types of rights. The 2nd World War stand alone, according to our estimates, based on the results of available historical publications, brought in more than $91.3T in revenue to the 3rd Reich. After the transition of World War II into a hybrid extended military operation, the 3rd Reich not only got the largest technology, defense, and consumer companies under control with the help of these funds. These funds entered the economy of the 3rd Reich companies with the help of preliminary money laundering through drug cartels, the banking system, and various types of non-monetary and commodity transactions, after which the 3rd Reich Gold, extracted through ritual human heap leaching, was transformed into a fine and legal operation. Markets were controlled by media companies managed by the 3rd Reich, financial institutions, and terrorist corporations. As a result, the 3rd Reich has transformed into a military mega-corporation whose core business is to extract entrepreneurial income from the activities of organized war crimes. Since the enterprises controlled and operated by the 3rd Reich (individuals and legal entities) extracted the benefits of the criminal activities described in the Hateful Eight, Heritage, and Heritage sections, all accumulated claims on the balance sheet of BOOST in connection with toxic assets shall be addressed to the 3rd Reich, its beneficiaries and the leaders involved in the implementation of the strategy of the 3rd Reich. First of all, they are the BlackRock group and "Albert Göring," son of Pope Pius XII, dynast of Borja's clan, also biologically related to Vlad III Basarabii.
It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day.
Kamala Harris.
Hope and Pope
The tiara is a three-tiered crown in the shape of a bee nest, topped with a small cross. This is the crown of the head of the Vatican and the Catholic Church. Initially, the tiara consisted of two levels that symbolized the secular and spiritual power of the pope. The three tiers in the crown mean three statuses of the pope: the Godfather of the Cosa Nostra clan, the Pope as the head of the church, and the King of the future world of the 3rd Reich.
Belong. Believe. Become.
In modern world, the 3rd Reich is mistakenly known as the criminal organization that managed the Nazi Germany and the serial ritual mass murders in the death camps during the epoch of the WWII. The Third Reich creolized name is a bigram, that consists of two similar kennings, and represents 2 people: the Pope, 3-in-1 personality, and Mark Rich Reich.
Place to grow together
One of the main methods of killing used in the death camps was gas chambers. Also, during the murder trials in the death camps, artifacts such as tsantsa, a souvenir in the form of a dried human head, were demonstrated. Finally, during the hostilities, the so-called fascists carried out murders, including civilians, during which they performed characteristic mutilations of living people and corpses: cutting off noses, ears, cheeks, breasts of women, and others. Despite the fact that all these atrocities during the Nuremberg and camp trials were attributed to the so-called German invaders and German fascists, none of them could in principle be committed by ethnic Germans. In the gas chambers, murder was carried out by replicating the heap leaching of gold method used in mining metallurgy, which did not exist in Germany. Tsantsa is made only in Brazil. And finally, such ritual mutilations were carried out only during religious rituals only by certain tribes in Latin America. And only three ethnic groups could accomplish something like this - the Aztecs, Incas, and the Guarani tribe. Suffocation, poisoning, and ritual misappropriation of of property, are the habitual methods of thugs, adepts of Kali Goddess. Thus, initially ethnic Germans were deliberately unjustly charged with crimes that they could never commit.
Find Your People
Heap leaching is a method of obtaining gold concentrate by irrigation of the rock with liquid potassium cyanide. Gold flows to the bottom of the quarry, and the empty rock is removed into the dump. The technology of suffocation in gas chambers with the help of cyanide was a meticulously reproduced process of heap leaching, only people were watered with cyanide as a rock. The murder process was ritual, and symbolized the cleansing of gold from the empty rock - people. There is no gold mining and gold processing industry in Germany. The cult of gold and manical fixation on the rituals of worship of it existed in Peru, and the Guarani tribe. Ritual strangulation and poisoning, or a fatal blow to the back of the head with the subsequent appropriation of property - these are the characteristic features of the crimes of the Thags, adherents of the cult of the goddess Kali. Kali is the demonic incarnation of Shakti, the wife of God Shiva in Hinduism. Kali also sacrifices severed heads and hands.
So Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong.
Kamala Harris.
Lasting Relationships
Blood sampling in industrial quantities was made for sacrifices and drinking. Peruvian pagans believed that without a blood sacrifice the sun would not rise, there would be no gold and life would end. As for drinking blood, the Borja clan (aka Goat Nostra) is biologically related to the family of Vlad III Basarab. In addition to close ties with Moldova and Romania, this relationship brought Borja chromosomal aberration, porphyria. None of the legitimate monarchs was sick with this exotic disease of vampires. However, the Windsor family suffers from porphyria, and in particular the third son of Pius XII, the so-called "King Charles."
And we'll deal with what we need to deal with in terms of also, as we move forward, all agreeing that we've got to be smarter as a country in terms of who has access to what and, in particular, assault weapons. And we got to take this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are - because you have been forced to have to take it seriously.
Kamala Harris. About Gun Control.
Together we thrive!
Like any leader of the 3rd Reich, the name is a complex kenning, a synopsis of biography, roles and places in the hierarchy. The surname Hitler is a bigram of the English word "hit" and the Portuguese word "read." If you add a creolized text out of it, it will be like the phrase "beat reading." Why do words have such ethnic origin? This is a metaphor for a state in which the English and Portuguese languages, as well as the states of England and Portugal, had great historical significance. We are talking about the state of India, a former British colony opened by Portugal. Thus, at the head of the 3rd Reich, as we usually imagine the military organization that unleashed the Second World War and carried out atrocities and massacres on several continents, was not Germany. The nature of the murders clearly reflects the dominant position of the methods adopted in the ritual groups of India and Latin America, where Portugal, especially Brazil, left a special strong mark. For this reason, the two main elements of the identity of the 3rd Reich brand are formed from two components of religions most common in India: Hinduism and Zoroastrianism. Religious diversification of an organized group and causes variations in murder methods.
Reading that hiting
"Beating by reading" is a completely unique phrase, as it may seem at first glance. But it is worth taking a closer look at how you can easily find a paired case, which became an example of another attempt to mass destruction of people and animals in the struggle for territory and influence. In China, bookstores were closed during the Cultural Revolution, and nothing could be sold but one book - Mao's quote book, a great teacher engaged in the extermination of the bourgeoisie, and its dogs. In addition, Mao instructed to exterminate sparrows, flies, mosquitoes, disrupting the balance of China's biosystem. Mao's quote book was made with a plastic cover so that blood would not be absorbed into the paper. The quote was used to kill the victim to death. They were beaten on the lips, calling it "to knock out bourgeois poison." Ritual murders and crimes in the era of World War II, the Red Terror and the Cultural Revolution were held during Indian holidays and festivals, which in India are usually celebrated with human sacrifices. Holidays related to study, teacher's day and related topics were especially honored. With the help of the text of bigrams, and names created on the model of any religious cult, creolized by ritual murders and serial crimes, the state of India decided to teach the lesson to the world who is its true ruler and should get all available territories for its large fertile population.
The Oz Country
For decades, India has been pursuing a policy of genocide under the guise of forced sterilization based on the caste principle. Representatives of the lower castes are forcibly driven to camps, where in unsanitary conditions, without anesthesia, mass sterilization is carried out, the consequence of which is fertility and the onset of death in a sterilized person. During the sterilization of women, doctors used bicycle pumps to inflate women's bellies.
​The bottom line is this: Donald Trump in office on trade policy, you know he reminds me of that guy in the Wizard of Oz when you pull back the curtain it's a really small dude?
Kamala Harris.
the action or process of trying or putting to the proof, a preliminary contest, a tryout or experiment to test quality, value, or usefulness.
Nuremberg Trial
The military operation of 1933-1945 was a pilot project to master the technologies of mass killing of people. As a result, scientifically based and well-proven methods of performing mass ritual murders were developed, which are difficult to detect and difficult to prove. The military operation was curtained immediately after the completion of the experimental part, implemented on a full scale as part of Operation Rainhard. And the Nuremberg trial with the processes in the camps, and the introduction of the WHO nasology directory untied the criminals' hands. Murders have been decriminalized, and the symptoms of poisoning have been classified as other categories of diseases. Actually, the answer to the question of what is the 2nd World War and mass extermination gives the name of the Nuremberg Process, literally translated as the Nuremberg Attempt.
You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.
Kamala Harris,
Your Spiritual Family
Military operation for the mass ritual extermination of residents of the United States, Great Britain, Russia, China, the European part of Eurasia, Canada, and other states with the exception of India and friendly ethnic groups of Turkic peoples, carried out under the leadership of the Government of India since 08.05.1945.
For too long, the status quo thinking has been, you get more safety by putting more cops on the street. This is incorrect assumption
Kamala Harris,
The police can't arrest the gas.
Experience God's Love.
He was never the brother of Hermann Göring. Albert Göring, brother of Salvador Dali, son of Pope Pius 12. came from the Borja dynasty, and led Odilo Globochnik and programs of mass destruction of the population. Obvious features of phenotypes and visible chromosomal aberrations are proof of this. In addition, Dali's drawings clearly indicate impotence, craving and interest in murder, dismemberment, sexual perversions, and other similar things. This corresponds to the phenotype and genotype of the Borja dynasty, and therefore Albert Herring could not be different. However, such features do not fully correspond to the phenotype and genotype of Hermann Göring.
Explore Spirituality!
​During the Nuremberg Trials, Albert Herring escaped punishment, and the crimes he committed were charged to Hermann Göring, for the purpose of murder by ritual strangulation of the Thags - hanging execution. Since Hermann Göring's parents were killed, after the death of his family members, the rights to his property were to be transferred to the heirs of the next line - his false brother Albert Göring and his pope: the godfather of the Cosa Nostra clan and the Pope of the Catholic Church. Since Hermann Göring's granddaughter, Tatiana Romanova, married her grandson I.L. Tolstoy, after her murder, the rights to property and inheritance were illegally appropriated by the Blackstone Foundation in the interests of the Brotherhood of Skull and Bones.
Encounter the Divine
In order to conceal the facts of the murders of Hermann Göring's heirs, fake biographies of his relatives and heirs were distributed on Wikipedia, including information about Ilya Tolstoy's emigration to New Haven and the murder of the Romanov family in 1918. In the Creolized language, this information posted in public sources means in real life that Ilya Tolstoy was ritually killed and his rights were assigned by the Blackstone group controlled by the mafia clan Cosa Nostra, and the Romanov family in the Sverdlovsk region, with the help of falsification of documents, found a second life, with simultaneous registration of a death that never occurred. Nicholas II was a member of the Cosa Nostra clan, as was his wife. For this reason, Hermann Göring's daughter had a dynastic marriage with Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov. This is not the only marriage of a member of the clan to a Russian: Salvador Dali was married to Elena Dyakonova, Albert Herring to Svetlana Schur, and the son of a member of the clan Nicholas II married the daughter of Herman Göring, who married grandson I.L. Tolstoy, Sergei Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Biological kinship with the Cosa Nostra clan has long preserved the family's life in Russia. However, there are internal conflicts in any clan. Hermann Göring, as a hereditary monarch, was not a member of the clan, but had a colossal fortune and a set of rights, which was of extraordinary value and importance to criminals. This was the reason for the murder of his family members.
The walk with God
During the Nuremberg Trials, Albert Herring escaped punishment, and the guilt of his crimes was attributed to Hermann Göring to achieve his ritual murder by strangulation (hanging) for the purpose of ritual appropriation of his property and the monarchical rights that Albert Herring would have received as an alleged brother and heir to the next line after the murder of all other members of Hermann Göring's family. The prosecution was formed by lawyers who were almost entirely in the Cosa Nostra clan, and it is obvious that the criminal who gets the opportunity to write a guilty verdict will justify himself. This applies primarily to Russian lawyers. With the frequency of chromosomal aberrations typical for Koza Nostra (Borja's family) 0.3 per 20,000 people, a selection of lawyers in which almost all without exception had the Borja phenotype cannot be explained by a coincidence.
Oz place to wornship
Since all the murders during the 2nd World War were carried out jointly with the State of India and in its interests, with the help of these rights of Hermann Göring, the Pope and the head of the Cosa Nostra clan, aka the senior representative of the Borja dynasty, intended to gain control of India, or India intended to gain control of its claims to itself. Since the second option has been repeatedly used in relation to projects by Oleg Yakovlev, this gives reason to believe that in the criminal hierarchy the government of India occupied a higher position, and the goat nostra clan was traditionally a performer. Consequently, the purpose of the attempted ritual murder of Hermann Göring and all members of his family was to obtain the rights of the Government of India to claim itself, and to give grounds for gaining control over the territories of Britain and the United States as its former colony. In a ritual sense, India tried to implement the "self queen" scenario.
Where faith comes alive
To manage the appropriated property of the killed heirs, under the patronage of Albert Herring and with the help of the ZR/RIFLE project, a system of tributes was created: prisoners sentenced to severe punishment, who were released to work for the benefit of the 3rd Reich on trust. This is how the Ukrainian serial killer Anatoly Onoprienko and Devilito Matteo Dinero appeared as the great-grandchildren of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, the daughter of Albert Herring himself and Svetlana Shur as great-granddaughters of Ilya Lvovich Tolstoy, sister Maria and Delphine de Jesus González as Empress of All Russia Maria Romanova and Queen of All Georgia Leonid Bagration, and other interesting characters. Since the rights of the monarch are inalienable personal rights, after the murder of a member of the dynasty, a tribute was resurrected with his documents, or the impostor simply fit into the pedigrees of existing and killed people as the heir to the first or near future, preference was given to children and parents.
Passions of Christ
Spear of Longinus (Spear of Destiny, Spear of Christ) is one of the Instruments of the Passion, according to the Gospel of John. According to the Gospel, Longinus, a Roman soldier, stabbed it into the hypochondrium of Jesus Christ when he was crucified on the Cross. The spear, along with all Instruments of the Passion, is considered a significant relic of Christianity.
Only in John 19:34, does the Gospel of John mention the incident of piercing Christ's body with a spear: 'One of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out'. According to the gospel story, the warrior pierced Jesus with a spear (Celsus, a famous ancient critic of Christianity, considered this statement to be implausible). The Gospel of Nicodemus, which is presumably from the 4th century, is the first time this episode is mentioned in apocryphal literature. In this Apocrypha, centurion Longinus is the name given to the Roman soldier who pierced Jesus' body.
Gaius Cassius Longinus (lat. Gaius Cassius Longinus; born no later than 86 BC - October 3rd, 42 BC) - Roman statesman from the plebeian family of Cassius Longinus, known primarily as one of the main killers of Gaius Julius Caesar. Longinus is something very special since his namesake centurion Longinus killed Jesus Christ, crucified on the cross, with a spear. Later known as the'spear of fate', the spear was characterized as a weapon that could decide the fate of the world. Adolf Hitler was the last owner of the spear of fate.
In addition to the spear of fate, the 3rd Reich brought various talismans, amulets, icons, relics, and other artifacts from all over the world, designed to bring victory and grant invulnerability to the 3rd Reich and its leaders. In terms of the number of talismans collected, Reich was similar to Hawk's room in the moving castle from the Studio Ghibli cartoon of the same name. Presumably, one of the leaders of the 3rd Reich became the prototype of the main character, who lived in a room completely littered from floor to ceiling with amulets from witches. Hawk turns into a black eagle in the film, fighting for the royal empire on the side of the Nazis. The same prototype we can see in Porko Rosso animation film - in the bewitched pilot, one can easily recognize a reference to the commander-in-chief of the Luftwaffe of Nazi Germany. Thus, the spear of fate and European artifacts were not the only, Japanese witchcraft industry served the 3rd Reich as well. In addition to the spear of fate, the 3rd Reich received the originals of the Pentateuch, the Apocrypha, the ark of the covenant, the instruments of the passions of Christ, the imperial kleinods, the sword of King Arthur, the goblet of the Holy Grail, and many other relics from Old Norse mythology, the existence of which the majority of the population of the planet does not know in principle, except for representatives of tribal dynasties who owned such artifacts as, for example, the Draupnir ring, Thor's hammer, and things similar in quality to them. Since the Reich has accumulated the largest collection of items with unusual properties, it has hardly suffered defeat.
Discover God's Plan
Nurture Your Soul!
The main legends associated with the Aztecs, Incas and the Guarani tribe are the image of a seven-headed beast, the legendary city of El Dorado in which a great treasure is hidden and where you can quickly get rich, the cult of gold, and the need for human sacrifices without which the sun may not rise. The 7-headed beast is the snake God in Induism. The name El Dorado in Catalan language means "the Gold." The real golden city, located in South America, was the capital of the Inca Empire - Cusco, where there were several dozen large houses, "the walls of which both outside and inside are lined with thin gold plates. Cusco is a city in southeastern Peru. Thus, the creolized language of the 3rd Reich, which gave names to the war operations and companies, and described the bio and job role in the criminal hierarchy points to Indians and Peruanians as the main participants of the mass extermination. In Russia, the name El Dorado was given to the company in the perimeter of Slater Holding. In Slater, name of companies also reflected the ethnicity, origin, and the criminal role. In fact, inside its' structure Slater reproduced the locally adopted structure of the Third Reich, dedicated to military operation on the territory of Russia. The reflection of the Latin American theme of this particular ethnic group can be clearly traced in the organizations Eldorado, Bananamama, and Sunrise created in Russia in the early 90s. All these companies were part of the Los Zetas drug cartel group together with Alfa-Bank, and had a single etymological basis. Eldorado is the city where the treasure is hidden according to the legends of Latin America, Sunrise is the main element of the pagan beliefs of the Incas, Aztecs and Guarani, and finally, Latin America is the largest exporter of bananas.
Journey of Faith
In world history, Mark Rich Reich, the founder of Glencore, was known as someone who made his wealth through wars. Any war, sanctions, or limitations create a new demand for which we are willing to pay an extra margin to be supplied. Mark Rich Reich's wealth was a result of Glencore's core business of smuggling, human trafficking, weapon trade, and overriding sanctions. As was the case with many other figures of similar stature, he chose not to use his birth name. By ethnic origin, Mark Rich Reich traced his roots to the South American Guarani tribe, the Peruvian Incas, and Borja family.
A church that serves
Glencore is a kenning formed as the sum of two words: Glen and Core. Glen in Northern Ireland means "Relief". Glencore means "foundation of relief". What was the basis of relief that drove this person who knew the technology of the gold mining industry so thoroughly that she was able to replicate this process for heap leaching of people?
Modern church. Ancient roots.
While many Guaraní Indians were assimilated into the modern community and converted to or gained knowledge of Christianity through the missionary work of the Jesuit Friars in the 16th century, some core beliefs are still practiced in many remote rural areas of the Guaraní region. As a result of the above, new Guarani myths and legends continue to appear to this day. The close connection of the Jesuits with the Roman Catholic Church explains the ease with which Marc Rich Reich and the modern leadership of the church were able to find common ground for the purpose of joint crusades. But their motivations were different, which explained such different technical methods of committing mass ritual murders in the era of World War II - from gas chambers and ritual dismemberment, to exotic types of poisoning. History has never known such a rich range of murder instruments. What united their motivation was a family feud and blood feud. Personal ambitions and the desire to take revenge, taking into account the individual situation of each of them, led to such a wide range of murder options that were offered to the victims.
Tradition meets innovation
​The Ransom of Atahualpa was a ransom paid by the Incas for the ruler of their state, Atahualpa, on June 18, 1533. One of the largest war trophies, amounting to about 6 tons of gold and about twice as much silver. After the payment of gold, Atahualpa was killed by the Spanish, and the size of the ransom fueled further European expansion into the Americas and depredation of indigenous peoples. Most of the conquistadors who received their share of the ransom subsequently died a violent death either at the hands of the Indians or in the internecine wars of the Spaniards themselves. The gold that went to the King of Spain was spent on many military campaigns in Europe in the form of paying for provisions for the troops, for the production and purchase of weapons, a fleet, and paying debts to creditors - influential banking houses of various states. The budget of the Spanish king still did not cease to experience an eternal deficit and lack of funds. The very influx of precious metals into Europe caused unprecedented inflation. A 14-fold increase in the instantaneous influx of gold did not produce the same increase in production. The European thirst for profit ultimately turned against them. Heap leaching of gold from people is a blood feud for the murder of the Inca king and failure to fulfill the terms of the agreement. Having received the ransom in full, it seemed to the greedy Europeans that they had received little. Craving for gold, failure to fulfill agreements, and the murder of the Inca king - this is a small list of sins for which stolen gold was leached from them with the help of cyanide, separating waste rock from valuable metal.
Impact Your World
Any crimes of the Coza Nostra clan and violations of agreements were easily justified by the so-called "God's will." The only purpose of religion for the clan was to use it to seize someone else's property, gain power and influence.
Live with purpose!
In the Apocalypse of John the Theologian, the church is called the great harlot, which, according to prophecy, will ride a beast with seven heads that will come out of the ocean. The 7-headed monster living on the shores of the Ocean is a snake god in Hinduism. In addition, in order to quench the insatiable appetite of criminals, they also decided to stage even more brazen crimes as an alleged gesture of divine anger - the Flood.