🎬Battle on the Krupskaya Bulge
Josef Gebbels
December 18th, 2023
"Übrigens ist Heß nun im In- und Ausland vollkommen vergessen. Judenfrage in Berlin weitergetrieben. Da gilt es noch so viel zu tuen und auf so viel aufzupassen. Die Gesetze mögen noch so streng sein, die Juden schlüpfen doch immer wieder hindurch." (Goebbels, 1941).
Josef Goebbels was the minister of the Third Reich propaganda. Among many masterpieces, one of the most vibrant was a film "Hitler gave jews a city" about the death camp Teresienstadt. It was probably the most famous advertising of the gas chambers in the world, which allowed to welcome millions of people later transferred to Auschwitz, Buhenwald, Maidanek, Mauthausen to be destroyed. Across many sources, Goebbels was mentioned as a committed group suicide together with all his family members at the end of the war, taking the cyanide. The remains of the family of the Great Goebbels, the magician who miraculously presented the death camp with the gas chambers and other tools of the ritual mass murders as a New-age Knaan, were "discovered" as a partially deleted after the impact of acid, and the identity of the Goebbels family was confirmed by the teeth. Oh, these teeth, they helped so many times to bury very healthy people staying alive, like Sylvestr (Angara Maniac Popkov), or family of Romanovs, or Hitler. It is a miracle of science, how is it possible without any sound criminalistics expertise, based on the couple of teeth and a part of someone's bone to make such a invigorate, assertive conclusion about the 100% of the identity of the remains to the individuality pretending to be dead.
This epic fail, to let the Goebbels go, was excused by the society mainly since the role of Goebbels in the Holocaust was dramatically underestimated. However, applying to history, gives us the valuable reflection of the former minister of the propaganda, magically resurrected after the fake death. Let's come back to the 1812. What is the common trait which Napoleon and Hitler shared? The warm socks. Russian winter of 1941 was a turning point for Goebbels. His effort to gather the right clothing for the soldiers at the front was successful.
"As Goebbels requested warm wool items, socks, stockings, vests, overshirts or pullovers, and warm woolen underwear, undershirts, and underpants from the public in December 1941, a growing sense of desperation developed." (Fritzsche, 2008).
Thus, to shift the attention, it was necessary to start the demonization campaign against easily destroyed enemy. And the target was found. The Nazi leadership was undoubtedly made tougher by such dire circumstances, and the disappointment in Hitler's promises was solved by starting the elimination campaign against perceived internal enemies, such as Jews.
The scariest word "oops" sounds in the nuclear laboratory. But physics wasn't scary anymore.
"Goebbels started to eradicate Jews from cultural institutions, while also pursuing anyone who had an independent mind. 250 writers and professors left the country. The dismissal of 20 past or future Nobel laureates, including Albert Einstein and Max Born, was caused by the dismissal of well-known academics from their positions. Over 150 physicists emigrated." (Campbell, 2012).
Goebbels employed young, educated Nazis to oversee the Church, books, films, education, the press, art, and theater after winning the warm socks gathering battle.
According to the legend, in 1945, Joseph and Magda Goebbels killed their six children and took their own lives, believing that a world that didn't have Hitler and National Socialism would no longer be worth living in. In accordance with the parents of Goebbels, the bodies of the children were burned outside the Hitler's bunker. Goebbels wrote an appendix to Hitler's Will and Testament, dated April 29, 1945, prior to his self-mutilation in the bunker: "...Wir ziehen es vor, an der Seite des Führers ein Leben zu Ende zu bringen, das für mich persönlich keinen weiteren Wert mehr hat, wenn ich es nicht im Dienst des Führers und an seiner Seite nutzen kann." Thus, the legend would be very persuasive, and the story would be fine, If not one small "Ooops." A one out of the 6 Goebbels children allegedly killed and burned in 1945, had a grandson in 1986. With a modest and almost Russian name, Yuri Dud, who came to blow in Russia to continue the work of his ancestors, so to speak. This one little "Ooops" was big enough to change the course of world history.
Written by Meggi Göring. All rights reserved. 2023. Copyright by the BOOST.
1. Joseph Goebbels. Tagebücher 1924-1945 (vol 1 2 3 4 5). Internet Archive. (n.d.). https://archive.org/details/JosephGoebbelsTagebucher
2. Fritzsche, P. (2008). The Holocaust and the Knowledge of Murder. The Journal of Modern History, 80(3), 594–613. https://doi.org/10.1086/589592
3. Campbell, K. J. (2012). Joseph Goebbels: Propagandist. American Intelligence Journal, 30(2), 125–134. http://www.jstor.org/stable/26202024
4. Images: gettyimages.de