Battle on the Krupskaya Bulge
February 22nd, 2023
š¬If treat the events around us from the academic and scientific point of view by using the plain approach: without inventing something new and adding the savour of own attitude, just endeavor to match facts to each other to identify the logical sequence, interconnections, the hierarchy of the events, definitions, individualities and concepts, the truth will immediately appear. No need to effort to add own emotions, individual opinions, or innermost appraisals. Just arrangement of the facts and identification of the underlying academic hypotheses is a self-sufficient exercise to draw the awesome picture of the truth.
"The United States is the homeland, stronghold and bastion of all sects and non-traditional cults of our time, from where they spread all over the planet." (Privalov, 1987). In the US, sects have occupied an enormous place in the society exhausted with the internal economic conflict and aggressive militarism. The US nation does not have the strength to fight either its own self-destruction or suicide.
Sects use such a sophisticated technique of penetration into any social environment that you can be part of a sect without understanding it. The impact of the effect of the sect on recruits and adherents leads to such a monstrous level of self-destruction that can be figuratively compared only with the psychology sessions of the Cannibal the Lecturer taught to Mason Verger.
According to the Wikifakemedia, the POTUS ā44 was the almost holy symbol of the equality, democracy, American Dream, and American Pie. Such an encouraging, inspiring, vibrant legend for the population of the US and the society of the world! Anybody can lead the US nation!
The outstanding illustration, that, by the opinion of the US political technologists, had to show the model of the broad equal opportunities for everybody living in the US, and everyone who lives in the country following the US way of freedom, rights protection, and ideally successful state government system [nota bene: the another one indicator of the US political and mental wellness is the abnormal consolidated debt].
So perfect and successful, that the population of the US has the official permission to have guns and rifles to defend themselves, because the US justice can't protect its' citizens. The US gun nation has on hand now the such a quantity of the Firearms, three times the population of the United States. This paradox leads to the following logical conclusion: either democracy and the effectiveness of the U.S. public administration system are a little different from what it is represented with the help of the media and Internet technologies (which are 100% controlled by the United States), or the entire U.S. population is mentally ill with paranoia, delusions of persecution, and is in a state of constant aggressive acute psychotic disorder.
This paradox partially can be explained by the brief analysis of the POTUS ā44 showcase. This amazing illustration easily shows the genuine substance of the US democracy, care of human rights, and who manages the country. In the United States, the democratic system of government works so well and effectively that the position of the first person of the state can easily be occupied by the Indonesian serial killer, presented to the U.S. population as a mulatto, the result of an equal happy marriage of a Kenyan and an American with Down syndrome.
It is amazing how these simplest and obvious facts have not been noticed by any of the U.S. population, although scientific studies of physiology and biochemistry of the human brain convincingly prove the following.
People in general are extremely inattentive. The historical dialogue between Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes says that for someone the ladder is just a ladder, but someone knows how many steps there are, and remembers which step creaks, and which one is erased a little more. People in the first category write memoirs about the latter, who turn out to be in their abilities as rare biological individuals whose cognitive abilities fit them into the history of criminalistics.
For the most part, people do not distinguish colors well, much less their shades. Moreover, this applies to other complicated categories and areas of knowledge that require particular competencies. Not all languages contain words to indicate different color shades, so sometimes dark yellow, even if it differs from light brown visually, does not have peculiar words to name these colors.
People without specific education and knowledge easily and readily trust any, even the most stupid and ridiculous statements, the reliability of which cannot be assessed on their own, but which come from an individual to whom the audience has trust. This trustee may also have neither particular knowledge nor professional education in terms of the level of knowledge, and generally be mentally ill ignorant. But if there is trust in him, any of his words will obtain unconditional unbiased trust.
These three factors determine not only the games of democracy. If we go back a little deeper into history, these three tricks are used not only and not so much by American political technologists, trying to pass off the white toilet with shit for a pure-blood American. These three techniques are at the heart of the life of any sect. The sect has a guru (teacher) surrounded by adepts who spread the ideas of the guru around them to recruit new members. The sect can be large or small, the size is not so important here. It is obvious that size affects the operating model, but not its structure: gurus, adepts involved in the sect.
The most important thing to remember is that never in history did the guru's ideas have not only a scientific basis, and did not even have common sense, which did not affect the number of followers of crazy teachings. Akin to the conflict described by Swift about which side to break the egg from, the sect can grow on shit basis. For example, a sect of so-called eunuchs. Thousands of people in Russia for several centuries cut off their eggs and penises, and indulged in collective singing in nightgowns, sincerely believing that it gives spiritual enlightenment.
They are akin to Satanists who believe that murder and blood will bring them a special mercy in the eyes of the devil and give eternal youth, immortality, and material well-being. Any, even the craziest and irrational idea, will find thousands of the same fans who want to deprive themselves of body parts and money in the name of the particularly valuable idea communicated to the "guru." This collective insanity is not curable by any means. Thus, in Russia there used to be Uralsib Bank, the nominal owner of which Tsvetkov practiced various games with the expansion of consciousness and group trips for collective psychotrainings. Employees and the management of the bank tore to hell with the patterns: barked like dogs, shouted like cocks, performed other vocal and acting performances. The Management Board of the bank in one composition went to a collective menerieting, and it could have been completely different to return. Ivan Andreevich Krylov spoke on this topic earlier: "and you are friends, no matter how you sit down, everything is not suitable for musicians."
The bank was cleared, and Tsvetkov was left out of business. He had no one to bark and crow with, and he moved to a new sect. Instead of the show "trained dogs" Tsvetkov began to hang out in church every day, and "to pray for the forgiveness of his sins." He destroyed his body by a deep stagnant thrombosis of both legs, and the next stop on his way before the road to the cemetery (when a member of the sect dies, his property is taken by the sect) was the cardio clinic. In the United States, it seems that for such cases of expressions of disagreement with the transfer of rights to the property of the deceased are issued rifled and smooth-bore firearms, for the democratic free expression of disagreement of the violated rights enshrined not with pills from constipation, but even by whole amendments to the Constitution.
Stephen Cutts in one of his cartoons drew a forecast for future presidents, in which Donald Duck comes to power after Trump, then a hamburger and then a brick. No clue, how such an observant Stephen Cutts missed a yellow shitty toilet with a saint's crown as President of the United States. It's not surprising if he also voted for him. So people are generally inattentive, self-confident, and ignorant. This allows to easily and effortlessly scam the population - to draw seven fake children to John Bogle, to bring the US president of the Indonesian serial killer Ahmad Souraji, to make the idol of the entrepreneurship of the sentenced to death Ted Bundy. It's amazing what a terrible situation with the eye care is in the United States. The general blindness of the population.
Written by Meggi Gƶring. All rights reserved. 2024. Copyright by the BOOST.
Privalov, K. (1987). Sects: A dossier of fear. Moscow, Politizdat.
Gering, J. (1903). Split and sects of the Russian Church (1003-1897 Š³.). Saint Petersburg.
Butkevich, T. (2018). Russian sects and their derivatives. Moscow.
Materiaux pour servir Ć l'histoire des sectes russes. Livraison 1. RedigĆ© par V. Bontch-Bruevich. (1908). Saint Petersburg.
Sects and beliefs in the United States of North America. (1896). St. Petersburg.
Livanov, F. (1874). Karaite sects. Moscow.
Obolensky, P. (1903).Critical analysis of the religions of Russian sectarians-rationalists: Dukhobors, Molokans, Shtundists. Kazan.
Tolstoy, L. (1900). Dukhobors in America. St. Petersburg.
Tolstoy, L. (1912). Russian church. St. Petersburg.
Ostromyslenskiy, E. (1888). Sect of molokans. St. Petersburg.
Dobroklonsky, A. (1893). History of Russian church. Moscow.